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Metaphysical & Healing Properties of Minerals, Gemstones & Crystals
Actinolite: it is said to be a very important metaphysical and healing tool; can be used as a phenomenal shielding device and for expanding the energy bodies to help provide for a connection to "All That Is" and for facilitating the "brotherhood" of all; may be used to help one with strengthening basic conditions and/or decreasing unwanted conditions

Adamite: it is said to be a stone of the heart and emotions; it is said to help one in identifying and dealing with those issues, while providing them with clarity and strength; it is also said to be a soothing stone that provides a feeling of warmth and safety

Aegirine: it is said to be excellent for aura cleansing; prismatic crystals; distinctive, sharp termination; healer; strengthens the immune system; used to remove emotional blockages; strengthens personal integrity and conviction; protects one from psychic attack and negative energies; enhances the healing properties of any mineral used with it

Agate: (Chalcedony) in general, it is said to tone and strengthen the body/mind; imparts a sense of strength and courage; facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances; grounding, yet energetic; powerful healer; is said to help promote marital fidelity; helps balance the yin-yang energy; stabilizes and cleanses the aura; soothes dysfunctional energies; awakens ones inherent talents and adroitness; individual varieties may have additional properties; the properties of Chalcedony also apply

Ajoite: it is said to bring inner peace; stimulates understanding and total acceptance; helps eliminate anger, abrasiveness, jealousy, prejudice, and other negative attributes; has peaceful and positive vibrations; powerful metaphysical tool; enhances creativity and is an adjuvant to communication; extracts dysfunctional energy from within a body or a substance and fills up the empty spaces with a pure loving energy; is said to be a master healer and a medium for access to higher worlds

Alabaster: see Selenite, a type of Selenite

Albite: (Feldspar) it is said to encourage one to flow with relationships, situations, and the activities of interactions, while enhancing the qualities of tact and cooperation; it is said to eliminate fear of the unknown and support personal freedom during times of change; it is said to provide insight to certainty of purpose while sustaining ones confidence and resolution; it is also said to stimulate clarity in thought, enhance the stabilization of the frequency of brainwave transmissions, and awaken the energy of the third eye; it is also said to be a great emotional stabilizer during times of personal distress

Alexandrite: (a Chrysoberyl) a pleochroic (color change) gemstone discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in 1834; named after Czar Alexander II, on whose birthday it was discovered; it is quite rare and expensive and has always been considered a good luck amulet; a favorite gemstone of the Russian aristocrats; it is said to help balance ones emotions, to raise ones confidence while increasing self-esteem, and to help bring about change; it is also said to bring happiness and success; intensifies feelings of love and sensuality; aids in spiritual transformation and regeneration; it is considered to be an emblem of loyal regard; has positive influences on the nervous system, spleen, and pancreas; helps align the mental and emotional bodies; may also be found with Cat's Eyes

Amazonite: (Feldspar) it is said to soothe the nervous system; strengthens the heart and physical body; aids in alignment of mental and etheric bodies; brings joy and upliftment and creative expression; facilitates clearer vision of ones own harmful tendencies by making them easier to release

Amber: (Organic) fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees; it is said to exert positive influence on the endocrine system, spleen, and heart; healing, soothing, and harmonizing; electrically alive with solidified "golden light;" spiritualizes the intellect; helps remove energy blockages; strengthens the physical body; excellent for enhancing altered states of consciousness

Amblygonite: it is said to be calming and soothing; called "the food of the Gods," as it imparts the sense of divinity and immortality; helps one to both identify and recognize the co-existence of opposite and conflicting feelings, providing insight into the resolution of duality; can help to ease unpleasantness and understanding, both in relationships and generally; a stone of comfort with angelic vibrations

Amegreen: a combination of three Quartz varieties: Amethyst, Prasiolite, and White/Clear Quartz; the properties of all three individual minerals apply, with the addition of the following: it is said to integrate the heart and mind; it is said to assist in healing past wounds; purifies and cleanses ones energy field; harmonizes the chakras; helpful in alleviating emotional sorrow and depression; also helps to lift ones spirits, awaken love, and dispel fear

Amethyst: (Quartz) it is said to strengthen the endocrine and immune systems; enhances right brain activity and pineal and pituitary glands; powerful blood cleanser and energizer; helps mental disorders; purification and regeneration on all levels of consciousness; transmutes ones lower nature into the more highly defined aspects of their higher potentials; cuts through illusion; enhances psychic abilities; good for meditation; aids channeling abilities; has calming, strong protective qualities; aids with healing, divine love, inspiration, and intuition; an excellent tool for ridding one of addictive behaviors

Ametrine: (Quartz) in addition to the properties of Amethyst, Citrine, and Quartz, it is said to combine mental clarity and strength of will with a high sense of spiritual purpose and purity of ones energies; can activate the third and seventh chakras, putting ones personal power in service to ones highest aspirations; can dispel negative energies in ones environment; penetrates and facilitates the release of blockages in the physical, mental, emotional, and auric bodies; enhances universal equilibrium; enhances all aspects of compatibility; helpful during times of change in ones life

Ammonite ~ Ammolite ~ Korite: (Fossil/Organic) it is said to be a protective stone; gives stability and structure to ones life; can transform negativity into smooth, flowing energy; encourages and supplements ones survival instincts; is said to have been used in the treatment of disorders of the lungs and limbs, and is said to be helpful in the rectification of degenerative disorders; Ammolite is a thin slice of ammonite found in doublet and triplet cabochons

Amphibole Quartz: see Angel Phantom Quartz

Andalusite: intuitive sources say that it can help highly sensitive and spiritual people feel comfortable and "at home" on Earth; it is said to facilitate access to past life memories and the Akashic Records; can be used to repair holes in the aura and to strengthen any chakra; its friendly energy is recommended for those wishing to dispel loneliness, depression, fear, or anxiety

Angel Phantom Quartz: (Amphibole Quartz) it is from a remote area in Brazil; phantom formations are usually white, but are also seen in colors of yellow, gold, red, brown, green, gray, and black; the phantoms are usually semi-transparent and silky looking, and are not similar in shape to the host crystal, as with other phantoms; the individual phantom fibers are very delicate in appearance and resemble fine "angel hair" Rutile; it is said to emanate soft and sweet powerful energies of the angelic realm; resonates with the higher mind centers, which include the third eye and crown chakra; it is said to help one interact and communicate with ones guardian angels and other beings of the angelic domain; encourages one to act from a place of love for the benefit of all; is said to influence everyone that comes close to it; helps dissolve negativity and evokes positive interactions with others; excellent crystal for use as a talisman, expanding awareness during meditation, bringing about sweet dreams, and keeping one in a positive joyful mood; a gentle, loving, and kind crystal; the properties of Quartz also apply

Angelite: (Anhydrite) it is said to be a stone of conscious awareness; a balancing agent which polarizes and aligns the physical body with the ethereal network; provides a protective field around the environment in which it is placed; a sender and receiver which enhances telepathic communication between beings on the different planes; assists one in spiritual journeys and astral travel; represents peace to the world and the brotherhood of man throughout the galactic configurations; dispels anger and helps bring down boundaries during innovative pursuits; can help usher in the new and phase out the old hardened ways in a gentle manner; as its name implies, it can help facilitate connections and communications with the angels and spirit guides

Anthophyllite: it is said to be a stone of self-learning and introspection; helps one to let go of self-imposed restraints; allows one to make decisions with the heart; helps one to decide which things are the most important in their lives and how to reorganize their priorities

Anyolite: (Ruby in Green Zoisite) it is also known as "Ruby Zoisite;" it is said to create an altered state of consciousness, enabling one to reach and utilize the talents and abilities of ones mind; it is said to stimulate ones psychic abilities; it may help increases ones awareness of their individuality; it is also said to instill joy, spontaneity, laughter and courage; it may help one to find their true passions and a newborn zest for life; it is said to aid ones recovery from disorders associated with diminished physical vitality; it is said to increase ones sexual activity and to treat problems of impotency and frigidity; it may also improve the circulation, the quality of the blood, and heart disorders; the properties of Ruby and Green Zoisite also apply

Apache Tears: (Obsidian, Volcanic Glass) the properties of Obsidian apply, with the addition of the following: traditionally it is considered to represent the tears shed by the Native American women who were mourning for their warrior men that were driven off of a cliff by the cavalry; it is said to have been used to console and comfort one during times of grief by allowing one to truly understand situations of distress by providing insight and acceptance into/and of each situation; promotes a forgiving attitude and a release of grievances which have been held against another; helps one to remove barriers that are self-limiting; aids in the elimination of toxins from the body; helps alleviate muscle spasms

Apatite: it is said to strengthen and balance muscular tissue; already exists in the body naturally in teeth and bones of mammals; symbolizes the intricate interaction between the organic and inorganic of our mother planet; a connector of earth spirits and energies; facilitates communication between humans and animals, including birds and sea creatures; it is believed to decrease ones appetite; enhances insight, creativity, and learning skills; helps one to focus and concentrate better; sharpens the intellect; helps one to be more open to acceptance and unconditional love of oneself and others; awakens the inner self; enhances psychic abilities

Apophyllite: it is said to activate the light body; excellent tool for interdimensional exploration; is said to create a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm; attunes ones body to the higher dimensional life forms; allows one to recognize and act upon the truth in all situations; enhances mindful analysis; helps one to realize that the state of perfection is the natural state of being; is said to facilitate astral travel by providing a clear and definite connection to the physical body during astral traveling by acting like an umbilical cord connecting the astral and physical bodies; allows one to send information which has been accessed during the traveling back to the conscious self; helps one to remain totally conscious while experiencing the activities of astral travel; enhances the exchange of communication with those of the spirit world; enhances recall of past-life experiences

Aqua Aura Quartz: (a combination of Quartz and Gold) the properties of quartz and the properties of gold are said to produce a very intense energy and vibration; stimulates the throat chakra and aids in channeling; helps activate other minerals for healing; cleanses and to soothes the aura; assists one in attaining inner peace; can enhance ones intuition and communication; helps to clear and open the pathways of inter dimensional communication; it is said to be a powerful stone when used in body layouts for activation of the Chakras; smoothes and heals the auric field; energizes ones mental abilities; helps release negative energy on all levels; the properties of Quartz and Gold also apply

Aquamarine: (Beryl) it is said to calm nerves; has been used as a good luck talisman by sailors; reduces water retention; strengthens kidneys, liver, spleen, and thyroid; purifies the body; enhances clarity of the mind; enhances ones communication skills and intellectual abilities; helps banish fears and phobias; physical/emotional/mental balancer; aid for meditation; aid for peace, love, calmness, and inspiration; the properties of Beryl in general also apply

Aragonite: good meditation stone; it is said to serve to remind us of the importance of symmetry in nature as well as in mythic symbolism; suggests progressions from singular to universal; is said to be a good centering stone during periods of stress and anger; helps provide one with insight when confronting problems on all levels; enhances ones reliability and practicality

Astrophyllite: it is said to be an excellent stone for facilitating out of body experiences and acts as a guide and protector in other realms; it is also said to aid one in standing outside of oneself to attain an objective view; it is said to help one see their full potential; it is said to enhance ones sensitivity to touch and the faculty of perception; it also helps you to be more sensitive to the unspoken needs of others

Atacamite: it is said to symbolize the many glories that Mother Nature hides in plain sight, awaiting the discerning eye; it is said to protect one against potentially dangerous situations; a stone of self-motivation; provides an optimistic type of energy; can remove energy blockages and completely open the crown chakra and heart chakra, while cleansing and activating them at the same time; it is said to heal the spirit, while providing a soothing energy and bringing a peaceful state of mind

Atlantisite ~ Atlantasite: (Stichtite in Serpentine) combines the properties of both of these minerals; please see both listings

Auralite: (Auralite-23) (Quartz Varieties With Inclusions) it is said to be composed of Amethyst, Citrine, and Green Quartz with inclusions of any of the following: Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrosite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Goethite, Pyrolusite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gilalite, Epidote, Bornite and Rutile; it is said to activate both the crown and third eye and engender sensations of peace and tranquility in the mind, while bringing into one's awareness a sense of being in the presence of the sacred; it is said to bring a quality of inner focus that facilitates deep meditation while quieting and calming the mind; it is said to help integrate the heart's awareness with one's usual sense of self; it is said to stimulate higher awareness and telepathic connection with one's guides and guardian spirits; the body itself is said to be awed and made reverent by the clearing of the veils of illusion and the dawning of the presence of one's true self, one's higher self; other reported effects can include an increase of one's psychic sensitivity, enhanced insight into truth, disappearance of chronic problems with the body, a balanced awakening of the kundalini, an awareness of the "eternal now", spontaneous visions of future events, enhanced capacity for soul travel and lucid dreaming, and experiences with angels; it is also said to be an excellent tool for spiritual healing and a stone of regeneration and rejuvenation

Aurora Borealis Stone: (Mariposite) it is said that due to the molecular structure the energy remains the same with or without Gold being included in each individual piece; called the "stone of the night," as it is said to bring phenomenal and prophetic lucid dreams, visions, and revelations; equalizes the yin-yang attributes and thought processes; facilitates clarity in communication between the physical, emotional, and other-worldly realms; helps one to understand questions about "being" and existence; assists one in the alignment with the higher realms; enhances and protects the aura and amplifies the body's energy fields; stimulates mental clarity; activates psychic abilities, deeper meditation, and balancing of the physical body and chakras; cleanses and smoothes the aura; releases negativity from the emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual bodies; helps maintain balance in relationships and cooperative efforts; a very powerful tool

Avalonite: (Blue Chalcedony Drusy) it is said to assist one in accessing the collective unconscious and mythical realms, where fairy tales and legends may offer one deep wisdom by acting as translator and facilitator to creatively rework the myths in ones life; through contact with fairies, elves, and devas one may gain links into ancient magic; it is also said to help one in harmonizing the emotional, mental, and spiritual wisdom which is at the center of ones being; it is said to increase ones psychic awareness, telepathic communication between soul partners, and connections with ones spirit guides; it is said to open the heart chakra and allows those who are afraid to love to be more receptive to experiencing love; it is also said to absorb negative energy

Aventurine: (Quartz and Mica) it is said to purify the mental, emotional, and etheric bodies; helps reduce anxiety and fear; stimulates muscle tissue; strengthens blood; emotional tranquility; positive attitudes towards life; alignment with ones center; independence; health and well-being; protector of the heart chakra; helps balance the male/female energies; it is said to show the spirit guides the connection with the healing light of the heart; encourages regeneration of the heart; stimulates the metabolism of fat and lowers cholesterol levels; prevents arteriosclerosis (narrowing and clogging up of the arteries) and heart attacks; has an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces the pain from disorders caused by inflammations

Axinite: it is said to be a "stone of change;" helps one to align their energies with the Earth; a polarizing mineral; helps one to submit gracefully to changes; stimulates insight into that which could successfully provide positive replacements for negative ones; assists in stabilizing relationships; helps one to consciously access the dream state; aids in grounding, energy balancing, and endurance

Azeztulite: (Clear Quartz) this is the metaphysical name given to a type of Quartz found on a remote mountain in North Carolina; unlike regular prismatic Quartz crystals, it is cloudy in appearance and is said to form in small irregular shapes and clusters; it is said to be a very important tool for Lightworkers; it is said to carry a high vibration from the Angelic realm; helps with channeling; helps in communication with a part of society of interdimensional and extraterrestrial beings; it has the capacity to handle the intense energies being carried by it; a very powerful stone, which heralds in many changes; lets you begin to reclaim the knowledge from your genetic memory banks; carries energies and frequencies of Light that help release the shields and blocks, healing disease and aiding in cellular rejuvenation and expansion; the properties of Quartz also apply

Azurite: it is said to be a high frequency stone, which may be referred to as "the stone of heaven;" enhances the flow of energy through the nervous system; helps the body utilize oxygen; strengthens the blood; facilitates clear meditation; cuts through illusion; enhances psychic abilities and further development of the third eye; initiates transformation; cleanses the mental body; for inspiration, creativity, and intuition

Barite ~ Baryte: it is said to stimulate ones incentive to go for their dreams and goals without restraint; enhances relationship connections in friendship and love; helps one to release trapped emotions and feelings; enhances self-assurance; helps to provide a strong, yet delicate connection to the spiritual world; soothing and calming to the nervous system; assists in the recovery from addictions

Bediasite: (Tektite) a natural glass of meteoric origin from outer space; it is named for the locality in which it was found, Bedias, Texas, USA; Bediasites are from the North American Strewn Field, coming from the Chesapeake Bay impact crater; they are reported to be between 33.7 and 35.0 million years old; it is said to be a grounding stone which helps produce an alignment of the body's meridians and subtle bodies; it is said to help enhance clarity of the thinking processes during times of confusion; it is said to enhance interdimensional communication and lucid dreaming; it is said to bring strength and fortitude to endeavors and to facilitate understanding in various encounters; it is said to promote the elimination of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual chaos; it is also said to produce feelings of well-being and energetic control in ones life

Benitoite: very rare; it is found in only one location in California; it is said to emit a powerful Lemurian vibration; it is said to allow for thought transmission between two people without verbalization; is said to raise the experience of astral travel to a higher degree; a great benefactor to the well-being of ones physical, emotional, and intellectual selves; an excellent healing stone

Beryl: this includes many varieties, some of which will be discussed separately; this family includes the following; Aquamarine (blue-green); Emerald (green), Morganite (pink), Goshenite (colorless), Heliodor (golden, yellow, yellow-green, and greenish-yellow), and Bixbite (red); these properties are "in general" for all Beryl family members: it is said to be a favorite healing and divination stone thought to empower incantations; prevention of bladder infections, kidney stones, and asthma; a "cure-all" for jaundice, liver disease, and laziness; helps to reconcile married couples, revive fading love, and bring victory in battle or litigation; if engraved with a frog it would transform enemies into friends; if engraved with a hoopoe (a kind of bird) it would evoke the spirits of the dead and the spirits of waters; a most suitable stone for crystal gazing, especially during the waxing moon; a remedy for sea-sickness, upset stomach, ulcers, nausea, obesity, and both diarrhea and constipation; it is also a good gazing stone for meditation

Beryllonite: it is said that this mineral can help one to achieve a more pleasant disposition; it is also said to combat fatigue and relieve anxiety; it is said to help one to see the inner goodness of others; it is said to assist in the healing of dis-ease and discomfort in the reproductive system; it is also said to promote ones ability to help determine the cause, course, and subsequent termination of a disease

Biotite: see Mica

Biotite Lens ~ Mica Lens: (Hermanov's Ball) (Anthophyllite and Phlogopite Mica) in addition to the properties of Anthophyllite and Phlogopite Mica, the following also apply: configured as a brown, dark brown, reddish-brown, golden brown, or rust colored lens shape; it forms the lens shape when it is heated by the sun and expands outward; it is said to assist in the maintenance and order of information both in the mind and in environmental situations, such as the workplace, or wherever organized structure is needed; increases the vision of the Third Eye; helps one to structure things in their lives; assists in channeling information from the past and other realms; a stone of the crown chakra; helps in connecting one with their higher self and enhancing ones true consciousness; helpful in ridding one of preconceived notions and beliefs in a progressive manner toward the realization and enhancement of the spiritual self; is said to enhance motor skills and vision; also see Mica

Bixbite: see Beryl

Black Kyanite: it is also known as "Witches Broom," due to its broom-like appearance; it is said to be a stone for shielding and protection on all levels; empowers manifestation of vision and clairvoyance in real time; pushes visionary abilities deep within the self to be harnessed by physical abilities and discipline; very helpful during meditation; excellent stone for attunement; helps align all of the chakras without being directed to; has a calming effect; retains no negative energy, therefore never needs cleansing; the properties of Kyanite in general also apply

Black Snowballs: (Quartz with "Black Snowballs") it is said to be a stone for "peace and healing," allowing one to go to the center of the Earth, to the center of ones being, and to the center of any stress or conflict in order to initiate the self-healing properties of the energy of perfection; a stone of "consequences" that keeps one on the right paths in life; it has also been called the "Stone of the Whirling Dervishes," as it highly supports the meditative state; is a stone for balance, acting as an equilibrant to outside forces, and stabilizing the yin-yang values within ones energy field; assists in the alignment of the n-dimensional energy centers with those of the ethereal domain; promotes continence in clearing and perfecting the chakras; sometimes appears as if the stone is inhabited by the "sprite of providence;" helps with the dismissal of worries, the freedom of movement, and the energetic pursuit of intangibility being fostered with clarity of, and approval by, the intellect; the "snowballs" can be composed of several different minerals; the properties of Quartz also apply

Black Star Diopside: the colors of this stone range from deep blue or green, to nearly black, to white, yellow, and reddish brown; it contains fine inclusions that produce chatoyancy (Cat's Eye); when polished, it displays asterism (a 4 Rayed Star), resembling two or more moving rays of light crossing each other; throughout the history of civilization, Star stones have been especially revered as the dwellings of living spirits, as earth-born eyes that can see into the lives and motives of humans; it has been associated with deep healing and expansion of the heart center; it may help to bring release for those who do not allow themselves to cry; it is said to allow one to recognize that the strength within is greater than any outside opposing forces; it is said to enhance academic learning, while allowing for both humility and respect for superior exhibition of intelligence; it is said that when used with treatment, it may help address physical weakness and psychological disorders; the properties of Diopside also apply

Black Tourmaline: see Schorl

Blizzard Stone: (Gabbro) a combination of multiple minerals containing Feldspar, Chlorite, Serpentine, Muscovite, Pyroxene, Hercynite, and Magnetite in a charcoal colored matrix; it may also contain small amounts of Olivine, Chrome Garnet, Actinolite, and Biotite; it is found in various locations in the state of Alaska; it is said to promote "dominion" and unanticipated developments which can assist the user in realizing the importance of individuals and events disregarded or neglected; it is said to relieve discordance and violence in temper and expression; it is said to provide connection to the Higher Self and awakens the energy of the third-eye; it is said to assist one in locating energy blockages within the body; it is said to be useful in the treatment of "hot flashes", cellular swelling and infections, disorders of the immune system, bruising, and sprains; it is also said to provide purification within the body, to alleviate the effects of fevers, and to balance the alkalinity of the body; due to the magnetite content, it may be attracted to a magnet

Bloodstone: (Heliotrope) (Chalcedony) it is said to strengthen and oxygenate the bloodstream; strengthens the heart, spleen, and bone marrow; helps neutralize and eliminate toxins within the body; enhances physical/mental vitality; helps balance iron deficiencies; reduces emotional/mental stress; a powerful healing stone; a stone of courage; carries a centering and grounding energy; may help revitalize matters of the heart; can be used to assist one in taking the actions dictated by the heart's desire; advances the attributes of harmony, adaptability, and strength; may be used to help dispel states of bewilderment and obscure thought; the properties of Chalcedony also apply

Blue Calcite: along with the properties of Calcite in general, it is said to activate the throat chakra, enhancing ones ability to communicate ones inner truth; helps one find the right words to eloquently express their ideas and feelings; helps open the third eye to enhance intuition and other psychic abilities; also see Calcite

Blue Lace Agate: (Chalcedony) along with the properties of Agate in general, it is also said to awaken and energize the throat chakra, helping one to communicate clearly and concisely ones inner knowing; it is also said to enhance intuition, promote peace of mind, soothe anger, ease tension, and help one connect with the Goddess energy; also see Agate

Boji Stones™: (Concretion) a type of concretion containing several minerals; **For detailed information on Boji Stones, please click here: Boji Stones™

Bornite: it is said to facilitate the activation and synthesis of the chakras, enhance psychic abilities, and increase inner knowledge and intuition; it is said to be an excellent healing tool, which includes sending and receiving distance healing; it is said to be a stone of happiness which helps one see the positive aspects of life; it is also said to repel negative energy and assists one in recognizing the sources of negativity; it is said to provide one with insight to the obstacles ahead which may block ones progression toward specific goals and provides further awareness of the avenues available for use in circumventing those obstacles; it is also said to assist one in integrating the mind, body, soul, and emotions and filters out that which is no longer relavent, so that one may move forward with more ease

Brazilianite: very rare, very soft; it is said to have been used to "show off" ones prosperity; a cool and relaxing color; heralds in the springtime; it is said to help in the synthesis of the third and fourth chakras; can encourage close examination of situations and relationships by helping one to attain the insight necessary for attainment of that which is desired; also assists one in releasing that which is not desired

Brecciated Jasper: (Chalcedony) it is said to induce health and rebirth, bringing freshness in ideas and strategies; it is symbolic of strength and vitality; in Peru it was highly regarded as a protector against witchcraft; it is also considered to protect one from negativity or danger; it may also be helpful in treating liver problems and in restoration of ones sense of smell; the properties of Jasper in general also apply

Bronzite: it is said to be a stone of relaxation, serenity and calmness; is believed to help eliminate restlessness; is believed to help one to achieve a state of certainty, to promote loving equitability, unprejudiced discernment, and provides the courage "to do;" is known as the stone of courtesy; it is a variety of Enstatite that usually has a bronze-like luster; a silicate of magnesia and Iron from the pyroxene family; some stones will be magnetic because of the Iron content

Brookite: it is said to assist in "out of body" travels; has high vibrational frequencies; helps open the "third eye;" helps connect one to the consciousness of space, and to beings who may come from other regions of space or higher dimensions; acts as a facilitator to allow those who want to be able to connect with extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings, and to establish communication with other forms of life and consciousness in the Universe; good for meditation; can give one easier access to inner states of communion with Creation; excellent stone for those wishing to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms; enables one to access both the nature spirits of the physical plane and the etheric guides of the spiritual realm; helps prompt ones hidden energy toward imaginative endeavors and responsiveness

Bustamite: it is said to aid in the removal of energy blockages by realigning ones energy channels; it is said to activate and clear the heart chakra; it is said to provide a calming influence during stressful situations and activities; it is said to enhance dream awareness and lucid dreaming; it is said to be an excellent stone for meditation; it is also said to help provide one access to the angelic beings and realms

Cacoxenite: it is said to be a stone of ascension; used by many during the myriad of planetary alignments, in world meditations, and during the full and new moons; increases spiritual awareness on all levels; transfers healing energy to the Earth; provides a loving and ethereal connection between all of the Universe; promotes healing by renewing the cells; useful in enabling one to connect more easily with ones guides or guardian spirits; helpful in channeling; enhances conscious connection and alignment with higher beings; offers the attraction and grounding of the highest spiritual Light within the physical self

Calcite: a doubly refractive mineral; comes in many different colors and crystal formations; it is said to aid the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen; balances male/female polarities; alleviates fears; reduces stress; emotionally balancing; grounds excess energy and amplifies necessary energies; increases ones capacity for astral projection; brings joy and lightness; brings forth a polarizing prismatic energy which engenders a spectrum of energy to both clear and activate all of the chakras; may be useful in distributing multi-directional energy; it is said to be a world teacher for all of humanity; the Iceland Spar variety has a long history of use with the Vikings for navigation

Calcite With Schmoos: it is composed of Glendonite and Sandstone; Glendonite is a Calcite pseudomorph after Ikaite; Sandstone is compacted fine grains of sand; the brown Glendonite is the "Calcite," and the rounded or curved tan or gray balls of Sandstone are the "Schmoos;" they are delightful and very amusing stones; they are said to provide the insight that NOW is always a time for change and alignment with ones life purpose; helps one to develop better "people skills" and relationships by promoting understanding and growth; brings in the energies to incite impulse control; teaches the concept of patience; has been used in its natural habitat for centuries by the ancient tribes of the Baltic Sea to bring together the forces of the ancient and future ways; helps to eradicate worries; heightens ones state of well-being; assists with transitions, progressions, and variations in ones life; is said to relieve states of depression and anger; a powerful grounding force; promotes reception of frequencies that are usually inaudible; balances DNA and RNA; the properties of Calcite, Glendonite, and Sandstone also apply

Caledonite: (Green Caledonite Phantoms) and (Green Caledonite); these phantoms are said to have excellent healing energies; they have been used to access and transfer information from the angelic realms; it is also said that they can enhance clairaudience by allowing lucid and articulate verbalization of the messages received

Campbellite: this is a nickname for a combination of several minerals, so it is not recognized as an individual mineral; it is a pretty combination of: Copper (Native Raw), Calcite, Cuprite, Chrysocolla, Turquoise, Malachite, Tenorite, Chalcotrichite, and/or other assorted minerals such as: Azurite, Gibbsite, Manganese, Quartz, Cohenite, and Graphite; it was found many years ago in the Campbell Mine in Bisbee, AZ, which is now sealed off; the properties of all of these individual minerals apply to this stone, in addition to the following: it is said to be used extensively in dynamic healing and to provide receptivity to radionic treatment; provides for the amplifications of the entire energy field of the body; widely used in the USA for diagnostic healing; has been used via the normal dowsing method and via dowsing through the utilization of the third eye; brings an energy of metamorphosis and continued change to help accelerate and ease reformation of the self; concepts of impetus and catalytic motion are reflected in one who holds this stone; helps in transferring electrical impulses; provides for an electrical connection to the ethereal body during periods of danger; assists in sending messages to the ethereal body as to where the dangers are coming from, and the peril is released to the ethers and transformed into the white light of healing; assists in communicating the love of the heart into the actual spoken words; facilitates relationships of physical and spiritual love; can enhance the telepathic and electrical connections between emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual bodies; used to provide for a release of electrical impulses when placed under pressure, and is an energy amplifier; has been used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system and to dissipate energy blockages which could propagate the improper flow of neural impulses; facilitates balancing of the metabolic processes; it is said to have been used in the treatment of fevers and influenza

Carnelian ~ Cornelian: (Chalcedony) in addition to the properties of Chalcedony, it is said to be a very highly evolved mineral healer; energizes blood; aids kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas; vitalizes the physical/emotional/mental bodies; helps with tissue regeneration; aligns physical and ethereal bodies; enhances attunement with the inner self; facilitates concentration and enhances creativity; it is also said to heighten sexuality; opens the heart; a warming, social, and joyous stone

Cat's Eye: this name usually refers to a variety of Chrysoberyl or Quartz, but many other minerals can exhibit a "Cat's Eye," or chatoyancy, due to internal inclusions of other minerals, fibers, or asbestos; the properties of the individual mineral hosting the Cat's Eye are applicable, along with the addition of the following properties referring to the structure of the Cat's Eye itself; they are said to represent happiness and serenity, and can amplify ones luck; stimulates intuition and enhances awareness; it is effective in dispelling unwanted energy from ones etheric fields, and provides a protective energy to the user; can be used in the treatment of eye disorders, especially for those with night driving difficulties; also used to relieve headaches and pains associated with the nervous system

Cavansite: it is said to stimulate intuition, instill second sight, and helps to activate channeling abilities; excellent for psychic healing and protection against psychic attack; assists in stimulating memory and recall of important issues in ones life; inspires conception of new ideas and assists in removing faulty thoughts and beliefs; useful in "gridding" to further the instinct and to modify deleterious behavior patterns; can be used to assist in the release of endorphins and to promote healing at the cellular level

Celadonite: see Mica

Celestite: it is said to reduce stress; a very relaxing crystal; brings one peace of mind; accelerates growth on many levels; aids in personal creative expression; helps one adjust to higher, more rarified states of awareness; evokes truth, reliability, and clear speech; enhances thyroid functions; excellent stone for dream recall and for astral travel; aid in matters of hope and harmony, communication, and clarity of the mind; it is said to be an excellent healing stone

Cerussite: it is said to be an excellent grounding stone which allows one to feel comfortable and "at home" in all environments; it allows one to easily adapt to various situations and to changes when needed by helping them to know that the changes are transient; it is said to provide one with the strength to manage their composure and the conditions of their reality; it is said to relieve tension and anxiety and allows one to recognize that which one can and must change; it is said to align the network of the nervous system to provide for free flow of energy and grounding; it is also said to facilitate access to the connections with other planetary beings, while allowing one to remember other worlds and other times, including those who have been parts of their past lives

Chabazite: very rare; it is said to be a good material for meditation on the theme of Mother Earth; it is said to be of use in helping to structure ones life; helps energy to focus on the area it is most needed or beneficial; helps to provide centering and contemplation in all of ones surroundings; it is said to allow the intellect to adjust to higher realms and stimulates higher learning; it is said to be helpful in ridding one of addictive habits and behaviors; it also instills the initiative for one to take control of their life; enhances ones endurance, perseverance, and tenacity

Chalcedony: a general term for many varieties of Cryptocrystalline Quartz such as: Agate, Jasper, Sard, Onyx, Carnelian, Chrysoprase, and Bloodstone; these are discussed separately; in general, the following is said about Chalcedony: it was used as a sacred stone by Native Americans; it is said to promote stability within the ceremonial activities of the tribes; was used to provide a pathway for receiving thought transmissions: it is said to be useful for balancing the energy of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit; it is considered to be a stone that encourages brotherhood among all; it is said to symbolize benevolence and good will; has a nurturing energy; is said to alleviate hostilities, irritability, and melancholy; is said to enhance generosity, responsiveness, and receptivity

Charoite: it is said to be useful for the cleansing and purification of ones energy body; used for transmutation of negative energies within oneself; helps one to bring to awareness ones unconsciously held fears to allow for healing and release; useful for dream work, and can protect one from nightmares; used for facilitating past life recall; helps to combine the higher spiritual dimensions with unconditional love from the physical plane; helps promote the total integration between the heart and spirit to produce complete alignment of the physical body and the perfect self

Chiastolite: a form of Andalusite; the properties of Andalusite also apply to this stone, in addition to the following: also known as the "Cross Stone;" it is said to provide protection from the "evil eye;" a sign of devotion, especially devotion toward awareness; dispels negativity; transmutes dissention to the state of harmony; it is a "bridge" for "crossing over" to the "other side" by providing transportation and unobstructing the "avenue;" helpful during states of change; can be useful in both astral and mind travel; helpful in problem solving and providing insight to answers to mysterious occurrences; a good balancer; assists in both creativity and practicality; helps maintain spirituality during illnesses; a perfect stone to have as a "Talisman"

Chinese Writing Rock ~ Stone: it is said to help one to access information from both the ancient sacred texts and the akashic records, by providing for clarity in translation with respect to the writing and furthering the interpretation of that which is written; assists one in directing the dream state toward a pre-determined subject; a good stone for assisting one in adapting to changes in their lives

Chlorite: it is said to be one of the most powerful and favorable healing stones; brings the energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates ones personal affinity with "All;" a purifier that is useful for cleansing the aura, chakras, and energy meridians; it attacks anger, hostility, and exasperation, and dissipates the dissenting energy; protects one from psychic attack; can increase the assimilation of Vitamins A and E, calcium, iron, and magnesium; helps to eliminate toxins from the body; can act as an anesthetic during times of pain; is said to remove skin growths and to diminish the appearance of "liver spots"

Chrysanthemum Stone: (Aragonite, Calcite, Celestite, and/or Feldspar on Black Limestone) it is also known as the "Wisdom Stone;" may be black and white or reddish brown and tan or white; named for its resemblance to the flower, it is said that this crystal encourages the flowering of spiritual growth, supporting change which occurs in a harmonious way; provides emotional comfort; assists one in personal growth on all levels; acts as a catalyst for activating the dormant capacities that lie within individuals; allows one to take the time to drift slowly through the blossoms of life instead of trampling the flowers of experience; a stone of harmony, unity, and change; is said to enhance compatibility in relationships; helps to dispel ignorance, bigotry, and self-righteous attitudes

Chrysoberyl: (not a member of the Beryl family) it is said to have been used as a cure for eye troubles and a defense against the "evil eye;" helps one to be more charitable toward their neighbor; has a yeast-like quality in its energy pattern, in that it continues to expand; it is often found exhibiting a Cat's Eye

Chrysocolla: it is said to aid in preventing ulcers, digestive problems, and arthritic conditions; strengthens lungs and thyroid gland; enhances metabolism; excellent for "female disorders;" alleviates fears, guilt, and tension; helps clear subconscious imbalances; activates feminine qualities; awakens compassion; helps to balance the emotions and bring peace to the mind and heart

Chrysoprase: (Chalcedony) it is said to balance neurotic patterns; eases depression and sexual imbalance; improves fertility; is calming and balancing; used for healing of the physical/emotional/mental bodies; helps one see clearly into personal problems; brings out inner talents, joy, and lightheartedness; soothes fears; the properties of Chalcedony also apply

Cinnabar: old mystics believed it to be magic "pills of immortality," and when painted on walls, it would protect one from nuclear radiation; it is said to be quite beneficial in the world of business and finance; referred to as the "Merchant's Stone;" it is said to stimulate dignity, vitality, and power; is said to be excellent for extracting energy blockages and to help align the energy centers

Citrine: (Quartz Family) it is said to be good for the kidneys, colon, liver, gallbladder, digestive organs, and heart; helps in tissue regeneration; detoxifies the physical/emotional/mental bodies; enhances the body's healing energy; diminishes self-destructive tendencies; raises self-esteem; powerful alignment with Higher Self; attracts abundance; gives hope, warmth, and energy

Cleavelandite: (Feldspar) a bladed variety of Albite; it is said to bring the necessary energy for conception of plans and for outlining and perfecting transactions; is said to provide safe passage in all endeavors

Cobaltoan Calcite ~ Cobaltocalcite: also known as Sphaerocobaltite; in addition to the properties of Calcite, these crystals are said to be crystals of joy; can coordinate the release of many buried emotional states; can bring an enhanced awareness of ones own body language; brings increased harmony for people or groups working with each other; allows for freer communication among the emotional, etheric, and physical bodies; is said to have a connection with the planet Uranus

Concretion: masses of minerals found within rocks of different compositions; a coalescence of separate particles of matter into one body; many may contain traces of fossiliferous matter; some may be partially hollow and have loose particles of sand or gravel within them, which may cause them to rattle audibly when shaken; the rattling ones are known as "Indian Rattle Boxes" in some cultures; different types of concretions have been used by Native American Indians, Australian Aborigines, and Native Africans in ceremonial activities; some can be rather funky and strange looking; Boji Stones and Mochi Balls (listed separately) are examples of concretions; it is said to be a symbol of life after life, by showing one that the beginning of death is actually the beginning of another life; it is said that they can be used to attune one to the electromagnetic waves of transmitted communication from within and without of the universe; it is said to stimulate thought transference and to help one in the comprehension of messages; it is also said to be able to both take one back through the many lives of existence and progress ones thought processes forward to eternity; is said to be a protective stone, by providing both grounding and shielding of the physical, mental, and emotional bodies; enhances ones sense of well-being; emanates a loving, kind, and sincere energy when held; it is said that these formations like to be held, and can die or waste away if they are not held regularly; is said to be good for pain relief, helping to eliminate physical disorders, and acting to enhance the conservation of resources within the body; is also said to help regenerate cellular structures

Confetti Chrysocolla: a Copper based mineral with multiple varying mineral inclusions, such as: Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, Ajoite, Papagoite, Conichalcite, Limonite, Hematite, Cerrusite, Cuprite, Crocoite, Mimetite, and/or many other minerals that are native to the Southwestern USA, where these stones are found; the metaphysical and healing properties of Chrysocolla, Copper, Cuprite, and every other mineral found in and/or on each of these individual colorful specimens apply to this stone

Cookeite In Quartz: it is said to be a powerful healer and is referred to as the healer's healing crystal; is said to contain calming, cooling, and clean energy; gently blows away all static and pockets of stagnant energy; purifies and prepares a sacred space inside oneself; attracts angelic protection; amplifies energy to cleanse, stabilize, balance, and revitalize all energy bodies; useful for gridding and producing a calming effect; the properties of Quartz also apply

Copal: a type of resin produced from plant sap; it is geologically younger than Amber; it is said to be an excellent tool for strengthening the abilities of the mind and altered states of consciousness; it is also said to amplify ones energy field and activate the crown chakra

Copper: it is said to influence the flow of blood; supplies strong energy to the body/mind; aids metabolism; helps detoxify the body; an aid for exhaustion and sexual imbalance; heals arthritis; raises self- esteem; aligns the physical/emotional bodies; strong conductor of energy; it is said to combat lethargy, passivity, restlessness, and excitability; emits a philosophic energy, free of bias and orthodoxy; helps one to recognize the barriers which are in the path of ones development

Coral: (Organic) it is said to cure colic, gallstones, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, jaundice, and warts; helps remove impurities from the blood and aura; stimulates the bloodstream; helps cure diseases of the sexual organs; alleviates arthritic pain; activates the thyroid gland by increasing metabolic rates and releasing muscle toxins; helps develop emotional balance; it is said to be a cure for insanity and a charm for wisdom, provided that its branches are never broken or cut with a metal tool

Cordierite: see Iolite

Covellite ~ Covelline: it is said to assist one in bringing dreams into reality, to relieve despondency, to deepen meditation, and to facilitate past life recall; helps accelerate ones evolutionary process; strengthens intuitive abilities; is said to stimulate disordered cells to re-order themselves and to purge any toxins from within the body

Crazy Lace Agate: (Chalcedony) it is said to be useful in the treatment of the heart; it is also said to help sooth, smooth, and heal skin disorders; it is thought to enhance laughter and ones sense of humor; the properties of Agate in general also apply

Creedite: it is said to enhance insight; enhances the connection to Divine love; has a healing energy for emotional trauma; improves psychic abilities; provides for clarity of expression in the spiritual realm; helps to provide for a driving force toward an objective; is said to help one gain access to the sacred texts, and to understand the subtle messages within the structure of knowledge

Cristobalite: a polymorph of Quartz; has a different crystal structure than Quartz; it is most commonly found as white octahedral crystals, but it has also been found as a patterned red crystal formation in rocks from the Moon; it is said to stimulate movement of the Kundalini; may also be used to stimulate the Third Eye; it is said to facilitate advanced sight in the psychic realm; it is said to help bring one to the state of recognition of other worldy beings; merges the intuitive self with the willingness to acknowledge "signs;" it is referred to as a "stone for journeys," both within and without; it is said to assist in the dissipation of heat from the body; it is also said to help treat those with failing vision; it is also said to help with problems of the male reproductive system; it is often found associated with Obsidian and other types of natural glass

Cuprite: it is said to be the most powerful stone for enhancing the pranic life force in ones body and aura; stimulates the base chakra while providing a grounding effect on the total body; it is said to increase physical vitality and energy; is said to attract that which can satisfy ones physical needs; it is said to alleviate worries, especially those concerning situations over which one has no control

Danburite: it is said to carry a very high vibration; stimulates the third eye and etheric body; can help one connect to the communication currents of the Angelic Domain; aids in the attainment to higher states; helps one to access inner guidance; helps to promote the state of lucid dreaming; can provide a feeling of connection to the heavenly realms; gives one access to serenity and inner wisdom in ones daily encounters; a shamanic crystal; facilitates ones ability to act with a compassionate heart and an activated mind, guided by the wisdom of ones connection to Spirit

Datolite: it is said to facilitate the retrieval of information encoded within the subtle DNA, ancestral patterns and events, the soul, and distant memories; when used during meditation it is said open the heart, third eye, and crown chakras

Dendritic Agate: (Agate With Dendrites) a transparent to translucent Agate containing fern-like dendrites, usually composed of Manganese minerals; it is said to enhance gentleness, patience, and the ability to enjoy every moment to the fullest; it is said to help one maintain centered in all situations; it is said to help one connect with and appreciate Mother Nature and all which is natural; it is said to open and activate all of the chakras and to keep them in balance; it is said to help expand ones consciousness; it is also said to help provide abundance and fullness in ones life and pursuits; the properties of Agate in general also apply

Dendritic Quartz: (Quartz With Dendrites) this type of Quartz contains fern-like or moss-like patterns of Manganese minerals and/or Chlorite; this combination is said to assist one in recalling the past history of the Earth and ones past lives; it is also said to facilitate a closeness with Mother Nature; it is said to activate the chakras and to facilitate purity in the total connection to the higher consciousness; the properties of Quartz in general also apply

Diamond: it is said to enhance brain functions; good for activating the Third Eye and other chakras; increases energy throughout the auric field; aids in alignment of cranial bones; breaks up blockages in the personality; a master healer; dispels negativity; purifies the physical and etheric bodies; it is said to increase personal clarity to help one see things clearly, as well as to be straight-forward and honest; reflects the will and power aspects of God; enhances the full spectrum of energies in the body/mind/spirit; represents abundance, innocence, purity, and faithfulness; it is said to bring success and prosperity

Diopside ~ Chrome Diopside: it may exhibit chatoyancy (cat's eye effect) or asterism (star effect); it is said that all star stones have been viewed with reverence as the dwelling places of living spirits and as earthborn "Eyes" that can see into the lives, motives, and doings of humans; it is believed to reinvigorate the body and soothe the soul; it is said to aid in circulation, thereby improving vision and helping to prevent heart problems; it is said to increase awareness and wealth on multiple levels; helps ones inner beauty to shine more brightly

Dioptase: it is said to strengthen the cardiovascular and central nervous systems; excellent aid for ulcers, nervous stomach, heart troubles, and blood pressure; vitalizes, tones, and balances ones body/mind; aids in emotional stability and peace of mind; excellent healer; is said to bring abundance, prosperity, progress, health, and well being

Dolomite: it is said to be a warming, soothing, cheering, and comforting remedy for depression and grief; it is said to have healing properties for the skin, hearing problems, palsies, and heart disease; is said to be good for energy alignment, balancing, and blockage removal; is said to encourage charitable actions; encourages energetic and impulsive original thinking and manifestation

Dream Quartz: (Epidote in and/or on Quartz from Brazil) these crystals are said to increase lucid dreaming, longer dream recall, and past lives recall; they emanate a very soft soothing energy, which is conducive to states of deep meditation and lucid dreaming; can help bring peace to the heart and relaxation to the body and mind; is said to facilitate conscious contact with spirit guides; an aid in developing psychic abilities and channeling; during waking times it can allow one to more clearly envision and manifest ones dreams for the future; the properties of Quartz and Epidote also apply

Dumortierite: it is said to be of assistance to those that tend to act without thinking things over first; helps reduce excitability and stubbornness; helps one to stand up for themselves; it is said to provide grounding in love matches, while clearing away unsettled areas in personal/romantic relationships; teaches one patience; allows one to see the whole picture, especially with the consequences of our actions; help one to verbalize spiritual ideas and experiences; helps us to see and understand that reality is illusion, and that illusion is real; can help us recognize compulsive behavioral patterns and dissolve them; useful as a supportive aid in addiction therapy

Eastonite: see Mica

Edenite In Quartz: (an Amphibole) it is said to carry a feminine and nurturing energy, which can help us find our purpose in life and keep us focused on achieving it; the properties of Quartz also apply to this stone

Eilat: (a mixture of Azurite, Chrysocolla, Malachite, Pseudomalachite, & Turquoise) it is said to flush out hurt and loss and remove detritus and toxins created from traumatic events in current and/or previous lives; it is also said to cleanse the thymus gland; it is also said to help bring about acceptance and inner reconciliation; it is said to wipe the Akashic Record clean and re-programs the soul and cellular memories

Elestial Calcite: it is a rather rare crystal formation; it has been referred to as "White Moldavite" due to its similar appearance; it is not related to Moldavite; it is said to carry a powerful energy; it is said to activate areas of the brain that we have not yet learned to utilize to their capacity; is said to help activate psychic abilities; is said to help one to attune with interdimensional realms, beings, and guides at the highest levels; the properties of Calcite in general also apply

Elestial Lightkeepers: (Quartz) these crystals exhibit a complex ingrown skeletal structure; they are said to facilitate visionary experiences and connections with the higher realms; enhances Third Eye Chakra stimulation which strengthens visual perceptions of the invisible worlds of Spirit; they help provide the most powerful means for energy patterns, information, and love to be translated and transferred from higher realm entities to the human beings here on Earth; they can act as keys and help one to attune to the libraries of spiritual knowledge, the akashic records, and the eternal wisdom of the Universe; the more complex the inner structures in the crystal are, such as openings, portals, or gateways, the more interdimensional access can be obtained; helpful during meditation for increased interdimensional travel and journeying; helpful in recovering lost parts of ones soul during this and other lifetimes, which can lead to powerful healings; assists in recall of past lives; very highly attuned to the angelic domain; is said to help alleviate sorrow and depression; they allow our consciousness to travel freely through time and space, including the past and the future by providing links that connect the multi-dimensions; an extremely high vibration crystal which is said to constantly emanate vibrations to keep us connected to the inner worlds of Spirit; their benevolent programming helps to provide us with information and experience that is attuned to the highest good; the properties of Quartz also apply

Elestial Rose Quartz: these small crystallized clusters are a very rare formation; they may be referred to as the "enchanted crystals;" it is said to be a stone of the heart and love; it is said to help one to understand that after transition from one phase of life, or from the physical body, that the newness will be re-instilled; gives one a "cosmic hug" when needed; is also used to assist one in overcoming burdens by bringing the heart and the intellect into synchronicity; carries the vibration of the heart; assists in developing self love, as well as love for others; the properties of Rose Quartz also apply

Ema Egg: see Seer Stone

Emerald: (Beryl) referred to as the stone of successful love and domestic bliss; it is said to amplify loyalty and sensitivity; enhances memory and mental capacity; eliminates negativity; allows one to focus better; brings harmony to all aspects of life; a tonic for the body/mind/spirit; aids in the alignment of subtle bodies; enhances dreams, meditation, and deeper spiritual insight; represents the potential of divinity within us; a strong emotional balancer; it is said to bring prosperity, love, kindness, tranquility, balance, healing, and patience; strengthens the heart, liver, kidneys, immune system, and nervous system; the properties of Beryl in general also apply

Enhydro ~ Enhydros ~ Fluid Inclusions: an Enhydro is a mineral or crystal which naturally contains fluid/water; the fluid could be eons of years old and is most likely quite pure; they are said to help one to recognize and understand the true feelings of another; they support the empathetic state; they provide for the coupling of imagination and practicality; they induce sensibility and acceptance of responsibility; they contain life-sustaining energy, which can decrease stress and allow one to be more adaptable to changes; they assist in metamorphosis and continued change throughout all times; impetus and catalytic motion are enhanced; they are most useful in healing; they assist in bringing the body to the state or specified condition that one is attempting to attain; they enhance the healing properties of all minerals; consider greatly the water cycle, without which no life could exist anywhere on Mother Earth's surface; water is the World's most valuable resource; human beings must not be allowed to turn its lifeblood into poison by polluting it; water helps maintain the body's functions, and is taken in to slake ones thirst and to help maintain the body's fluid and electrolyte balances; the main component of our bodies is water; the properties of the mineral "hosting" the Enhydro will also apply 

Enstatite: it is often found in diamond mines and in meteoric formations; it is said to be useful to one in competitive situations; it is also said to provide a conquering and assured attitude to the user while still providing them with an air of modesty; it is said to be a stone of determination and flexibility; it may be referred to as the "stone of chivalry" for promoting fairness and unbiased judgment within the user; it is also said to activate the value of assistance in all facets related to service; it is said to provide the stimulus for decisiveness; in healing it is said to help bring an alkaline body state to the acid condition and can be used to assist the body in normal changing cycles

Epidote: it is said to have the ability to increase anything it touches, whether the thing it touches is energy or a material object; wearing or carrying it with you will increase your spirituality and open you to spiritual growth; lessens closed-mindedness in all areas, especially in spiritual matters; cleanses repressed emotions once and for all; it opens the way for those who have denied spiritual growth; those who are drawn to it are spiritually awakening; clears the emotional body aura and stimulates perception, participation and interaction, as well as personal power

Eudialyte: it is said to have a directional energy which acts to block multiple clairaudient transmissions and enhances those which are definite and distinct; stimulates both the Alpha and Beta states of brain wave patterns; opens and activates the heart chakra; represents the perfection of the unconditional spiritual love of "All That Is" and facilitates the manifestation of this energy on the Earth plane; stimulates a resonant love which can be felt by others and is totally "in tune" with the vibratory energies of the perfect state of the universe; serves to infuse one with inspiration and confidence; helps one to separate oneself from the anger, guilt, resentment, hostility, animosity, despondency, depression, anguish, and sorrow which limits ones self-love and the ability to give love to others; it is said to dispel jealousy and notifies us when our paths cross with our "soul mates"

Faden Quartz: it is said to be useful on all chakras; used for astral travel and to help us understand the lessons to be learned in the incarnation; emanates strong and powerful positive energies; promotes mental and physical stability; it is said to be helpful in seeking out information important to personal growth; assists in producing and maintaining the ethereal connection which one has with another on any plane or dimension; the properties of Quartz also apply

Fire Agate: (Chalcedony) it contains very thin layers of iridescent Limonite; it is said to be a "heating" stone for chills, colds, frostbite, or for an excessively inhibited temperament; used to cool fevered skin; it is said to dispel fear and to prevent one from doing undesirable behavior; stimulates progression and advancement; encourages one to be the best that they can possibly be; provides energy for initiating introspection and inspiration; the properties of Limonite and Agate also apply

Fire Opal: in addition to the properties of Opal in general, it is said to attract money; it is said to make the solar plexus "nervous," and should be worn with caution;" supposedly it is a gem of specific times, and should be worn only at six o'clock in the evening in the summer; its energy is said to be conductive to mystery, variety, progress, and change; adds a brilliance and clarity to the intuitive and reflective processes; it is said to bring one hope in the future and faith in the self. Opal Varieties

Flower Stone ~ Flowerstone: (Granite, Basalt, & Feldspar Phenocrysts) it is found only on Texada Island, BC, Canada; it is said to be of assistance in helping one to pay attention to details and see all of the small parts encompassing the entire picture; it is said to help in removing negative traits of cynicism, while showing one the contrast between beliefs and real knowledge; it is said to assist one in maintaining balance in relationships and cooperative efforts; it is said to enable one to defeat negativity with ease; it is said to enhance communication, creativity, fertility in mind and body, and to bring wealth and longevity to ones life; it is also said to help one maintain youthfulness in both mind and spirit; it is said to bring the message to enjoy each moment, here and now, before it becomes the past

Fluorite: (all colors) it is said to strengthen the teeth and bones; improves absorption of vital nutrients; benefits blood vessels and the spleen; grounds excess energy; aids in advancement of the mind, concentration, and meditation; helps one grasp higher and more abstract concepts; helps clarify ones mental processes; facilitates interdimensional communication; is said to be a powerful healer

Franklinite: it is said to be quite useful in preservation, in the physical or emotional realm, of the self or another; it is said to be an excellent grounding stone which may keep one centered in any situation; it is said to help stimulate inventiveness and self-expression, to provide perceptiveness, and to enhance the characteristic of diplomacy; it is also said to stimulate hair growth and may be used in the treatment of disorders of the male reproductive system

Fulgurites: (Prayer Pipes) (Lightning Glass) (a type of Lechatelierite) they are formed by lightning strikes on the desert sands, which become melted and fused; the best known examples take the form of fragile hollow tubes, most of which "sing;" they are naturally formed glass; they are said to clear and recharge the body's physical & mental energy systems; they are most valued for their extremely high metaphysical energy and their ability to direct and channel energies; the most powerful ally when called upon for the use of "storm energy;" a most powerful source of unbridled raw and potent natural energies; they are found worldwide in desert sands, but the specimens from Florida, in the U.S.A., are said to be the most powerful of all

Fuchsite: a crystalline chromium rich variety of Muscovite Mica; it is said to enhance the powers of other minerals; a helpful stone to have present during healing sessions; helpful for examining issues and problems surrounding interactions with other people; increases awareness of ones physical well-being and productivity; assists one in bouncing back after overly tense or stressful physical or emotional situations; excellent stone to use during meditation; it is said to help alleviate carpal tunnel syndrome and to align the spine; also see Mica

Gaia Stone : see Helenite

Galena: crystals for old-fashioned "crystal radios" were made of this material, so they were considered to be connected with communication; these types of radios were considered to be "metaphysical," since they utilize "unseen" waves, which were said to be a direct result from the planet Uranus; some crystal mystics feel that it can act as a radio itself to receive the thoughts of others, to trace back through time, and to see into the future

Garnet: a large group of minerals with various colors representing almost every color, except blue; however, there is a "color-change" group of garnet that exhibits a "teal blue" color; these are some of the garnet groups: Almandine (most common, many colors), Pyrope (red), Spessartine/Spessartite (brownish or orange-red), Malaya/Malaia (mixture of Pyrope and Spessartine), Uvarovite (dark green), Rhodolite (purplish red to pink), Grossular (numerous colors known under several names), Hessonite (Grossular, cinnamon color), Tsavorite (Grossular, green), Andradite (includes numerous colors under several names also), and Pyrospessartite (color-change, very rare, may be similar to Alexandrite in color); while those listed above are the more popular known varieties of garnet, many other varieties and colors exist; all varieties in general are said to strengthen, purify, vitalize, and regenerate the body's systems, especially the bloodstream; they are said to have harmonizing effects; provides stimulation of the pituitary gland; aligns subtle bodies; enhances imagination, compassion, and love

Gel Lithium Silica: it is said to be calming, emotionally balancing, and a consciousness expander; provides aid for channeling and meditation; it is said to help bring one tranquility and peace; it is said that it can facilitate a tranquil and euphoric state of consciousness, putting one in touch with the angelic realms; it is said to promote relaxation and stress relief, and to help one accept life as it is; it is a stone of Divine Love, and it can help one to open their heart to experience their connection with the source of that love

Girasol Opal: it is said to be an excellent scrying stone that opens the Third Eye; it is said to assist in revealing solutions to current difficulties caused by circumstances that were not dealt with or were suppressed in the past; it is said to enhance ones connections between souls and shows how these can be beneficial in the present life; it is said to help one learn about their deeper causes of discontent and hidden feelings; it is said to be extremely helpful when past life experiences or injuries are affecting ones present life; it is said to assist the physical body in releasing the condition and allowing the cellular memory to heal

Glendonite: (Calcite Pseudomorph After Ikaite) it is said to be a teaching stone of learning, discovery, and understanding; it is said to support the learning process by helping process information and thoughts in easy to understand terms; helps one to discover their life's purpose; it is said to help heal broken bones and abrasions; regenerates cells and makes teeth and bones stronger; helps to make a loving home and good family life

Goethite: it is said that this mineral can teach one how to enjoy the journey in life while enhancing progression toward ones goals; inspires the imagination and brings the energy to pursuits of discovery; helps one to attune to the ethereal realms and enhances communication with the angels; enhances clairaudience and may allow one to hear the music of the ethers; enhances communication on the physical plane; strengthens the connection with other worlds and the beings inhabiting them; alleviates distractions while intensifying concentration; may assist one in predicting future events; facilitates in rebuilding ones physical body

Gold: it is said to purify and energize the physical body; improves circulation; strengthens the nervous system; balances the hemispheres of the brain; aids in tissue regeneration; attracts positive energy into ones aura; amplifies thought forms; helps direct solar energy and ones personal illumination; a powerful healer

Golden Enhydro Quartz: (Clear Quartz with liquid yellow petroleum fluid inclusions) they often contain air bubbles; these crystals are millions of years old; enhydros/fluid inclusions symbolise the collective unconscious underlying and uniting everything, which can bring about deep emotional healing and transmutation; these rare crystals are said to be incredibly energetic; they are said to enhance spiritual gifts and stimulate the Third Eye; they are said to help remove restrictions placed on spiritual sight in this or any other life; they are said to be powerful healers of the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies, even those which have been carried over many lifetimes; they are also said to eliminate gender confusion or ambivalence in those who have changed sex from one incarnation to another; the properties of Enhydros/fluid inclusions and Clear Quartz also apply to these crystals

Golden Healer Quartz: a Quartz crystal which is partially or totally covered with the golden-yellow iron oxide mineral Limonite; it is said to have been used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with the spiritual worlds, and to incite healing on all levels; an excellent stone for use in all healing situations; promotes the recognition of methods and techniques which will help in furthering recovery from all disorders; its healing energy comes from the Limonite, which is either in or on the crystals, and/or frequently both; assists in healing all of the bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual); it can be held in the hand during meditation or placed on the body; it accesses the very high consciousness information; it is said to unite our will with the Divine will; the reflection off of the golden-yellow Limonite often causes beautiful rainbows of colors to be seen; the properties of Quartz and Limonite also apply

Golden Labradorite: (Feldspar) transparent clear golden yellow; closely related to Moonstone and Bytownite; it is said to be the strongest gemstone for strengthening ones will and increasing creativity; it is also said to increase inner strength, vitality, courage, mental clarity, endurance, spiritual focus, intelligence, and purpose

Goshenite: (colorless Beryl); it is said to encourage truth in ones word, bringing one toward a state of plentitude and comfort; helps one to maintain composure and self-control through the surprises of life, and to direct the energy of each revelation toward the higher aspect of ones being; can facilitate creativity, originality and aesthetically rewarding pursuits; has been used to open and to activate the crown chakra, bringing a loving and companionable energy to the user; the properties of Beryl in general also apply

Green Calcite: in addition to the properties of Calcite in general, it is said to be one of the softest and most gentle healing stone; it is said to emanate a mild vibration which facilitates calming and relaxation; helps one in balancing their emotions; it is said to be an excellent tool for re-centering and bringing tranquility to the emotional body; also see Calcite

Green Garnet: in addition to the properties of Garnet in general, this applies to several branches of the garnet family which are green in color; this includes Grossular, Demantoid, and Uvarovite Garnet; it is said to be a powerful aid in the manifestation of prosperity and abundance in all earthly endeavors; it has been referred to as a gemstone of good fortune in matters of money; it is also said to activate the heart chakra, which awakens ones feeling of compassion and charity; also see Garnet

Green Quartz: see Prasiolite

Green Tourmaline: many different shades of green; it is said to open the heart chakra; it is said to help transfer negative energy into positive energy; it is said to inspire creativity; it is said to be of use in the treatment of the heart, thymus gland, and immune system; the properties of Tourmaline in general also apply

Green Zoisite: it is considered to be a stone that brings and enhances trust in the universe and trust in the ultimate goodness of life; it brings trust in general, as well as releases fears, which can bring a depth of happiness to ones life; it is also said to bring energy and dispel laziness; healing lore purports that Zoisite is good for vitality, the adrenal glands, the reproductive organs, and for strengthening the heart; it is associated primarily with the heart chakra, but is sometimes associated with the root and sacral chakras; it may be found with inclusions of rich red Ruby, which is known as Anyolite

Growth Interference Quartz: they may be referred to as "shamanic crystals;" they come from very frigid and glacial areas; sheets of Calcite inter-grew with the Quartz, and was subsequently dissolved out during the final stages of the growth process; their former presence can be seen in the characteristic jagged lines and incisions; some energies of the Calcite usually remain; the combination of these two energies are said to be powerful to those who are sensitive to crystal energies; they are said to be capable of helping us to grow and adapt on all levels; they are said to balance the energy fields; they are said to enhance psychic abilities and astral travel; the majority of these recently found crystals have been in Far Eastern Russia and the Himalayan Mountains; the properties of Calcite and Quartz also apply

Gypsum: see Selenite, a type of Selenite

Halite: (Sodium Chloride, or Common Salt) this is said to serve as a symbol of the origins of life in the "amniotic soup" of the primitive seas, whose salty legacy we, and all other vertebrates, still carry in our very blood and body; it is water soluble and the crystals will melt after a time; it has been used to heal wounds, induce vomiting for poisoning, and to replace salt in the body that has been lost through sweating or other means; it is necessary for the body's electrolyte balance; it is said that placing a piece of halite right on the area in need of healing can produce instant relief

Hanksite: it is said to help one in understanding the death/passing over experience and the unwanted changes occurring in this lifetime; helps combat restlessness; a good stone for meditation; it is called the "juggler's stone," as it allows one to utilize the inherent creative forces and the creative forces of the universe; it is said to increase ones flexibility in the mental, emotional, and physical bodies; it is a type of natural salt, so it should be kept dry

Harlequin Quartz: (Quartz with inclusions of Lepidocrocite and/or Red Hematite) it is said to have been used to traverse the spaces between the spiritual and physical worlds; balances the polarity in the body; is a stimulator of the heart chakra; provides physical vitality to the body and stimulates the alignment of the physical and ethereal nervous system; stimulates energy on all levels by providing a clear pathway from the base chakra to the heart chakra; can be used to intensify devotional activities; the healing qualities of a loving consciousness are intensified; the properties of Quartz and Lepidocrocite and/or Hematite also apply

Healer's Gold: (Magnetite and Pyrite) it is said to have been used for manifestation, enhancing physical energy, moving energy through blocked meridians, harmonizing astral, subtle, and casual bodies, and for clearing and activating the chakras; it is said to be ideally suited for healers' use; the properties of Magnetite and Pyrite also apply

Hedenbergite: it is said to be a stone of transition, which assists one in the progression from one state to another and from one circumstance to another; it is said to facilitate the concepts of organization and systematic resolutions, and reflects the implementation of same; it is also said to be a stone of patience and success which helps one in achieving their goals and promoting friendships; when it occurs with Quartz or Amethyst it brings together the qualities of these minerals to produce a dynamic stone for meditation, healing, and telepathic endeavors

Helenite ~ Gaia Stone ~ Mount Saint Helens Stone: a man made type of Glass, or Obsidian; it may also be known as "Emerald Obsidianite;" it is said to contain rock and/or ash from the May 18, 1980 eruption of the Mt. St. Helens Volcano; it is most commonly found in shades of green and red; it is said to carry the energy of the "anima terra," or "Soul of the Earth;" is said to bring one into resonance with the heart of Mother Earth; aids in Goddess connection; a more feminine stone; promotes prosperity; aligns with the heart chakra and is good for self-healing emotional wounds; can also be used to harmonize all the chakras; it is also said to help healers develop their abilities and to enhance compassion and empathy; is used to promote the growth of love and intimacy between romantic partners; soothes the senses; can be a potent aid for both psychic and magical development, and is said to increase clairvoyant and telepathic abilities, along with past life recall experiences

Heliodor: see Beryl

Hematite: it is said to have positive effects on the bloodstream; activates the spleen; raises resistance to stress; helps circulate oxygen throughout the body; strengthens physical/etheric bodies; energizes and revitalizes; enhances personal magnetism, optimism, will, and courage; a powerful stone for those attracted to it; a protective stone

Hemimorphite: it is said to decrease self-centeredness and allows one to take resposibility for their own happiness and unhappiness; it is said to increase ones self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-respect, as well as that of others; it is said to relieve feelings of hostility and anger and smooths out emotional irritations, while reinforcing ones understanding of the origins of those provocations or aggravations so that one may easily avoid similar situations in the future; it is also said to provide a symmetry between the physical and other planes by allowing one to grow simultaneously on all planes; it is said to be a stone of personal responsibility, both for oneself and their relationship with all of humanity

Herderite: it is said to energize the third eye; facilitates out of body travel and consciousness expansion; activates the unified heart and mind; assists in emotional healing; it is also said to expand the image of the Self to include "All That Is;" it is believed to accelerate ones evolutionary growth; assists in helping one to realize their full spiritual potential

Herkimer Diamond: (Quartz crystals from Herkimer, NY only) it is said to cleanse subtle bodies; reduces stress; balances and purifies energy within the body/mind; has similar qualities as Clear Quartz; a powerful amplifier; enhances inner vision; increases dream awareness and clearer recall; stores thought forms and information; may contain fossil fuel oil; a powerful healer; it must be from its original source (Herkimer County, N.Y.) for the most powerful effects; similar crystals are found in many other locations, but the properties of the other area crystals are not as strong as the original; these crystals are usually "double terminated," which is said to make them twice as powerful

Hermanov's Ball: see Biotite Lens

Hiddenite: (Green Spodumene) it is said to help to stimulate the intellect and the loving side of ones nature in order to bring forth the unknown; prompts the connection with the other worlds and provides for subsequent clarity in the transfer of knowledge; can be used to assist one in intellectual or emotional pursuits; can provide insight when diagnosing disorders of the physical body

Himalayan Ice Quartz ~ Nirvana Quartz: these are elestial crystals with a large percentage of the crystal being affected by growth interference; some areas of these crystals have small smooth terminations; there may be a plethora of perfectly etched Record Keepers on the larger terminations/faces; when you look into the crystal through the smooth terminations, it is like you are looking into the very glacier that these crystals formed beneath; they may or may not be Trigonic in formation; the rose/pink color comes from Red Hematite inclusions; they are strangely configured and very intricate; there are no actual real faces, yet thousands of them, in elestial formations; they may be ridged, etched, or pitted, and may be speckled with Red and/or Black Hematite; these crystals come from the Kullu Valley Pass in the Himalaya mountains of northern India; this area is also known as the Valley of the Gods; these crystals were found after glacial ice melting high in the mountains exposed the area where they are dug, therefore the name Ice Crystals; these special crystals are mined at elevations of 18,000 feet and above; they are heavily etched and convoluted due to growth interference, where other minerals were attached at one time; sometimes during the growth and formation stages, changes in temperature and pressure can cause other minerals to dissolve and leave impressions in the places they once were; I have been told that Calcite is what caused the heavy markings and impressions that define the distinctive appearance of these crystals; Himalayan Ice Crystals are found in pink and white/clear, and varying shades in between; they go by several different names: Nirvana Quartz, Himalayan Pink Ice Quartz, Himalayan Clear Ice Quartz, Himalayan Growth Interference Quartz, and Kullu Rosie Quartz; many have Fairy Frost, or Angel's Breath inclusions, which contain Dew Drops, also known as tiny Enhydros; they may also show some tiny sparkling silvery internal mirror-like flecks, which is reminiscent of a view of the vast Universe; people who are not usually sensitive to the energies of crystals are said to be able to feel the vibrational energies of these particular crystals, which are said to carry a warm, gentle, compassionate, comforting, and loving energy; the pink crystals open the heart chakra, and the clear crystals open the crown chakra/third eye 

Honey Calcite: it is said to be a healing stone with calming properties; helps one to make wiser decisions; assists with astral projection; helps keep one grounded and focused while doing complex tasks and projects; stimulates ones intellect; keeps one alert and clear-headed at all times; relieves stress in the workplace; the properties of Calcite in general also apply

Ice: yes, Ice is a crystal; think about a snowflake; think about a cloud, an ocean, a river, or a sea; they all are part of the "water cycle," of which ice is a main component; called "Mother Earth's Diamond Tiara," crowning her waters, without which no life could exist anywhere on her surface; the World's most valuable resource; human beings must not be allowed to turn its lifeblood into poison by polluting it!; for many years it has been used for reducing swelling, stopping nosebleeds, lowering fevers, preserving body parts, relieving headaches, and for many other ailments; as water it helps maintain the body's functions, and is taken in to slake ones thirst and to help maintain the body's fluid and electrolyte balances; the main component of our bodies is water

Iceland Spar: (Calcite) it is an optically flawless and colorless variety of Calcite; it has been used in the manufacturing of polarized prisms; it is said to have been used in "magic rituals" to double the power of the ritual when worn by the participants and placed on the altar; it is said to be an excellent stone for meditation; it was once used by the Vikings for navigation of their ships; the properties of Calcite in general also apply

Illite: see Mica

Indicolite Blue Quartz: (Indicolite Tourmaline needles in Quartz) it is said to be an excellent tool for healing oneself and others on all levels; activates the third eye and increases psychic awareness; enhances psychic abilities.

Actinolite; the combination of the properties of Quartz and Blue Tourmaline are amplified when in combination in the same crystal, along with those of Actinolite if it is also included within the crystal; in Brazil it is common to find Actinolite in these crystals

Infinite: it is said to send its loving angelic energy to any physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual area that needs to be worked on; imparts strength through gentleness and tenderness; a good stone to use when a strong and powerful one will not break through an energy that needs a soft touch; is said to have a very protective energy; stimulates a softer pathway for the Kundalini, clearing of blocked chakras, and opening of the crown chakra; it is said to draw out toxins from the body, but it needs to be recharged after a busy workout

Iolite: (Cordierite) (Water Sapphire) it is said to activate opening of the third eye; helps expand spiritual vision; helps one to achieve out of body travel; helps create mental/spiritual harmony with the individual; aids one in becoming conscious of the inner wealth of ones spiritual heritage; helps those seeking to remember and integrate past life experiences with ones current lifetime; helps stimulate visions; it is said to be a powerful "medicine;" helps balance the male/female within ones character; brings harmony to the self; helps eliminate dissonance and disruption in relationships; helps one to enjoy every moment, and awakens inner knowledge; occasionally some Sunstone "Shiller" can be found included inside these crystals from India

Iron: it is said to be a charm for "strength;" Edgar Cayce maintained that it should be carried in the groin pocket to prevent and ionize the body from its vibrations to resist cold; the vibrations could help prevent one from colds and flu; helps support tired bodies; good for immune systems; if a steel knife is kept under ones bed, it should drive away negativity and prevent nightmares

Jacare Quartz: a form of Elestial Quartz, which is said to have been used to bring one the qualities of fluency, persuasiveness, and effectiveness in ones aspirations; furthers ones assertiveness while eliminating aggression; is helpful in community work and in the organizational structure; assists one in remembering the giving qualities of the Divine; acts to connect one with the source of all being by promoting the acceptance that "everything is, indeed, okay;" excellent for extracting energy blockages and in yielding ease in alignment of the energy centers; the properties of Quartz also apply

Jacinth ~ Hyacinth: (Zircon) the term "Hyacinth" may also refer to an orangish Hessonite Garnet; a mystical stone mentioned in the Bible; may also be a sapphire; it is said to have been used as a heart stimulant and as an antidote to poisons; may possess virtues from the Sun against poisons, pestilences, and pestiferous vapors; is said to bring wealth; claims to cure polio, tuberculosis, insomnia, and anxiety; protects travelers; averts lightning; it is said to aid in astral projection

Jade: (all colors) comes in many colors, and it is said that its healing affinity will correspond to the particular color of the stone; strengthens the heart, kidneys, and immune system; helps cleanse the blood; increases longevity and fertility; helps eye disorders and female problems; a powerful emotional balancer; radiates divine and unconditional love; brings clarity, modesty, courage, justice, and wisdom; peaceful and nourishing; dispels negativity

Jasper : (Chalcedony) (all colors) comes in many varieties of colors and designed patterns; it is said to be a powerful healer; strengthens the liver, gallbladder, and bladder; its main impact is on the physical body; represents the Earth element; its attitudes work according to the color of the stone; some of the different colors and patterns can look like photographs or paintings, and are extremely beautiful; the properties of Chalcedony in general also apply

Jet: (Organic) a type of bituminous coal, which when rubbed becomes electrically charged; was worn in the Victorian Era for funerals and by mourning wives; since it is a type of coal, it will burn and produce "smoke;" the "smoke" is said to have been used for driving away demons, repelling snakes, bringing on menstruation, and for other "magical purposes;" new age mystics believe that the coal "smoke" from burning jet will repel fevers, infections, hysteria, hallucinations, epilepsy, and stomach troubles; it is said to have been used to dispel fears and negative thoughts, and to protect one against illness and violence; it is said to create a sense of calm and to diminish depression

Kansas Pop Rocks : ("Energy Stones") they are a type of Concretion containing several minerals; these stones are said to align all of the subtle bodies and both balance and align the chakras; they are said to be helpful in the removal of energy blockages; they are also said to be an excellent energy source, which provides for the transfer of energy from the etheric body to the physical body; they also clean, charge, and fill the voids in ones aura; they combine the qualities of initiative and independence with the furthering of the "brotherhood of all" by providing a circular energy which penetrates from the crown to the base chakra; excellent grounding stones; they have been used for general healing and in tissue regeneration; they exhibit a similar property as quartz crystals when placed on a painful area of the body, by relieving the discomfort; they are said to enhance the benefits of acupressure and acupuncture when one of each gender is placed on opposite sides of the body during the sessions; most experts believe that they are of the same composition as a trademarked product called "Boji Stones"

Kaolinite: a clay/chalk-like mineral seen in several pastel colors; it can serve as a conduit in transporting red minerals that are to become red phantoms, via "tubes;" it is said to be a very spiritual and soothing mineral; can help one overcome obstacles in the pathways of life; may encourage one in the pursuits they are engaged in; provides sympathy in "low times;" assists in the digestion, processing, and elimination of the problems of life; it is said to provide strength to rid oneself of unwanted influences from the physical plane; increases clairaudience pursuits by bringing forth necessary communication from the spiritual worlds; enhances transcription activities; is said to be useful for eliminating excess cholesterol

Kunzite: (Pink Spodumene) it is said that its high lithium content makes it beneficial to individuals with addictive behaviors; it activates the heart chakra; stimulates deep feelings of love; is a calming and soothing stone; is said to aid with states of manic-depression; strengthens the cardiovascular system; it is said to be a powerful tool for opening and healing the heart; excellent balancer for the physical/emotional/mental bodies; it is also said to dissolve negativity, promote maturity, increase sensuality, refresh the mind, deepen meditation, and align the chakras; enhances self-esteem; brings tolerance and acceptance

Kyanite: it is said to enhance creative expression, communication, truth, loyalty, reliability, inner visioning, and serenity; enhances psychic abilities, lucid dreaming, telepathy, and clairvoyance; increases ones intuition and insight; can facilitate astral and interdimensional travel; activates the third eye chakra

Labradorite: (Feldspar) this variety is found with inter-mixed iridescent colors of mainly blue, green, red, brown, gold, and yellow; the billowy moving iridescent play of color is known as labradorescence; it is said to be useful in connecting with Mother Earth energies; enhances the dream state and brings in more clearly meaningful dreams; it is also said to unleash the power of ones imagination and to help release limitations; assists one in the discovery and practice of magic; it has been referred to as an "oracle" stone that enhances psychic abilities

Lapis Lazuli: (a combination of Lazurite, Calcite, and Pyrite) since ancient Egypt it has been prized as a stone of royalty; it is said to strengthen the skeletal system; activates the thyroid gland; releases tension and anxiety; augments strength, vitality, and virility; helps one to attain wisdom; gives mental clarity and illumination; enhances psychic abilities and communication with the Higher Self and Spirit Guides; enhances creative expression; it has been associated with the royal virtues of courage, insight, strength, clarity, and compassion, and their attainment; helps open the third eye; the properties of the individual minerals also apply

Larimar: (a type of Pectolite) it is said to be used spiritually for bringing emotional harmony and cleansing; cools fiery energy; soothes anger and brings in gentle joy; strengthens the "feminine energy streams" in both women and men; facilitates the control of emotions without repression; it is recommended for people who are stressed or are trying to balance many elements at once; over time its energy can move to access higher planes; enhances ones empathy with others

Larvikite: (Feldspar & Monzonite) a grayish-blue color with iridescent streaks of silver and blue; it is said to carry a mysterious magical energy which stimulates inner visions and enhances psychic abilities; it is said to allow one to see the past, including past lives, and to travel psychically through the dimensions; has a strong connection with Earth energies, and is a boon to those wishing to do elemental magic; assists one in connecting with nature spirits; is said to enhance youthfulness and vitality

Lead: should be used for industrial use only; it is poisonous, and is said to be sacred to Saturn (the Lord of Death, and God of the Underworld)

Lemurian Sacred Scribes: These Quartz crystals are said to be a gift to us from the ancient Lemurians to be used for communication. Sacred Scribes are not a healing crystal per-say, although all Quartz has a unique vibration that can enhance our circumstances. They want to be used as communication tools, for "sensitives" to tune in and extract the wide variety of information they hold. They want to be used in ceremonies, and in crystal grids, with or without other stones or crystals. They are doorways to truths not yet revealed to our consciousness. There are hallways of information hidden within each glyph or pattern, and they offer us the laws of understanding about what we need for the next step, the new construct, and the new dream of this planet. They desire to be honored for the journey they are taking, to reach out to the world with important information for our time. This information was posted on Jane Ann Dow's former website. k 

Lemurian Seed Crystals: (Quartz) these are special Quartz formations, most commonly found in Brazil; they are slender, clear crystals with ladder-like formations crossing the body of the crystal; some may have a slight pinkish hue from red hematite inclusions; they are said to be the premier stone for opening the heart; they are said to put one in touch with the purity of innocent emotions; they are also said to be powerful tools for enhancing ones intuitive gifts; it is said that they are helpful in removing energy blockages and opening oneself to Divine Love and compassion; the properties of Quartz also apply

Leopard Skin Jasper: (Chacedony) a tan colored stone covered with colored dots that look like the skin of a leopard; it is said to be a stone of shamanic journeying; it is said to help one discover and connect with their power, or totem animal; assists one in interdimensional traveling; it is said to be a strong talisman of self-healing; assists healers in activating and sharing their healing gifts; the properties of Jasper also apply

Lepidocrocite: it is said to bring grounding with intellectual stimulation; fortifies the structures of enhanced equilibrium between all of the chakras and auric bodies, and also acts to stimulate and cleanse all of the chakras; when found within Quartz and Amethyst structures it enhances perception, intuition, and instinct, as well as enhancing communication with those in the angelic realm; helps to dissolve aloofness and negativity within the self and ones environment; it is said to be beneficial for integrating healing energies, storing information, communication, teaching, and balancing energy; very helpful for expansion and retention of knowledge; helpful in maintaining connections between the self and astral body while keeping one grounded to the physical domain; brings a purity of energy to whatever areas the energy is directed to; it is referred to as a "stone of the future;" it is said to clear mental confusion by awakening the finer inner self; very useful with Reiki treatments; when used with other crystals and minerals it is said to enhance their properties

Lepidolite: (Lithium Mica) a stone of serenity and peace; it is said to aid the muscles, strengthen the heart, and beneficially influence the blood; it has a high lithium content which aids emotional/mental balance and stability; aids with sleep; enhances expression of ones inner light and joy; may help bring one into a state of deep relaxation and tranquility; it is said to balance all of ones energetic polarities; helps to unify the mind and heart; a protective stone that brings success in business or careers; may be used to relieve stress, eliminate despondency, and to aid in acceptance of the inevitable changes in life; it is also said to aid one with transitions from one life to the next life; it is said to be useful for astral travel; assists in birth and re-birthing processes; it is also said to be helpful for healing the glands, the immune system, skin, nails, hair, addictions, and alcoholism recovery; also see Mica

Libyan Desert Glass ~ Golden Cosmic Glass: (a type of Lechatelierite, fused Quartz grains) these pieces of natural glass were formed by a huge cosmic asteroid impact in Eastern Egypt, which melted and fused sand grains; the cosmic impact is believed to have occured 28.8 million years ago; they often contain interesting inclusions of vesicles and high pressure Quartz crystals, such as Tridymite and Cristobalite; they are said to share some of the same properties as Moldavite; they are believed to be beneficial to overly sensitive people, shy people, and reclusive individuals; they are also said to help one to connect with multi-dimensions; they are said to be grounding stones; they are said to help one succeed with the tasks at hand; they are said to carry one of the highest light vibrations that ones physical body can receive; it is also said to be a stone of expansion, compassion, universal love, and enlightenment; it is said to carry the energy of the cosmos; it is believed that by placing a piece directly over your heart, you will be able to activate the heart chakra; it is also said to be a stone which improves ones confidence, mental acuity, and realization of their personal potential; in addition, it is also said to provide psychic protection and access to the akashic records; it is also said to align the energy centers of the physical body and to balance the nervous system; the collection area is now closed, so no further pieces of this golden tektite will become available in the future; it has been collected and used since the dawn of the ancient Egyptian civilizations 
**BEWARE: there are many faked specimens available online which are quite similar in their appearance to the real thing!

Limonite: it is said that it can assist one in the alteration of ones life toward stability and comfort; helps one to reach and utilize the infinite powers of the mind; enhances the substance of ones character; can provide protection from detrimental thoughts, impaired clarity, and psychic attack; furthers accuracy in the intuitive processes; it is said to be useful in the treatment of disorders of the skeletal system, to ameliorate dehydration, and to assist in the assimilation of iron and calcium; has also been useful in dispelling fevers and in treating jaundice conditions from disorders of the liver; it is said to be a powerful healer when it is included in, or found as a coating on quartz crystals; quartz crystals coated with limonite may be referred to as "Golden Healers"

Lithium Quartz: in addition to the properties of Quartz, it is said to help move powerful energies throughout the body; opens the heart chakra, giving one a pleasant wave of euphoria; stimulates the Third Eye and sends rhythmic pulsations of positive energy into all of the mind centers; its high vibration is one of profound healing, emotional peace, release from tension, and awakening of the Higher Self; good for harmonizing relationships between lovers

Lodestone ~ Magnetite: it is believed by ancient mystics to cause sleepwalking, and when mixed with diamond and sapphire in an "amulet," it will attract powerful planetary spirits that would cause the wearer to become "almost invisible;" it is said to be a cure for gout and cramps; draws out pain; can reconcile estranged lovers and spouses; brings easy childbirth; modern mystics believe it can "draw out" diseases and pain, cure bedwetting, cure tuberculosis, and be useful as a love charm

Lodolite In Quartz: this is a Quartz crystal with inclusions of many possible colors and types, often having the look of gardens, landscapes, or underwater scenes; often it may be called Garden Quartz, Landscape Quartz, or Scenic Quartz; it is said to help in bringing ones desires to fruition; is also said to enhance communication with beings on the spiritual plane and to heighten ones spiritual energies; used mystically to increase ESP and bring knowledge from your past lives; brings loving energies and energies of strength; it is said to be an excellent healing stone that carries strong healing energies for the mind/body/spirit; assists one in recovering from broken relationships; the properties of Quartz also apply

Mahogany Obsidian: (Volcanic Glass) the earthy brown, black, and rust colors vary stone to stone; a variety of volcanic glass; it is said to have intrinsic properties attributed to focusing on the inner vision necessary to eliminate ones flaws; it is said to connect the base of the spine to the Earth; it is considered to be an excellent protection stone against physical and/or emotional harm, by helping to stabilize the internal and external energies; it is said to shield one against negativity by dispersing unloving thoughts; the properties of Obsidian in general also apply; the majority of these stones will "sing"

Malachite: it is said that this stone can provide protection from karmic danger and release one from fear; it is said to offer the user the opportunity to resolve the inner tensions that bring about repeating patterns of difficulty; it is also said to help nourish the heart chakra; it is said to aid with the functions of the pancreas and spleen; helps reduce stress and tension; helps with tissue regeneration; strengthens the heart, circulatory system, pineal gland, and pituitary gland; aids with sleep difficulties; vitalizing for the body/mind; helps reveal subconscious blocks; an excellent balancer on all levels

Manganite: it is said that this mineral can help one to dispense with attachment and control by recognizing that one is responsible for ones actions and not for the actions of another; it is also said to enable one to desist in relationships which are controlled by another, and to respect oneself sufficiently to release the grief; it is said to be useful in providing the physical strength needed to dispel mental anguish by allowing one to recognize that the reasons for the despair hinge on the lack of self-love and self-respect; it is also said to promote insight into creative solutions; it is said to have been used in the treatment of infertility when it is consciously directed to; it is said to help relieve headaches and pains caused by dis-ease and tension

Manganocalcite ~ Manganoan Calcite: in addition to properties of Calcite in general, it is said to have a gentle and calming nature which calms anxiety; assists one in finding true love and their kindness within; helps one to be more understanding and compassionate toward others; a stone of love, kindness, and understanding

Marble: comes in many different colors and patterns; mystics believed it to be protective to the home (living and dead homes) so many furniture and accessory items of the home are of marble; in the "dead home" it is seen as a sacred building stone, and is favored for mausoleums, tombs, tombstones, and ecclesiastical buildings

Marcasite: it is said to enhance ones psychic abilities; it is also said to be a grounding stone which also provides a psychic shield; it is said to assist one in house-clearing and entity removal

Mariposite: see Aurora Borealis Stone

Melody's Stone: see Super Seven

Mercury: it is said to have been sacred to the mythical founder of alchemy (Hermes the Thrice-Great) who was a Medieval version of Hermes the "Greek God of Magic," whose Roman name was "Mercury;" "Mercury" was a god of "tricksters," thieves, and gamblers, so mercury became a special mineral for "risk-takers;" some of today's "gamblers" carry an amulet with mercury in it for luck; it was also used as a scrying mirror to predict the future of ones fate; it is poisonous, not healing

Merkaba: (a geometric shape) many minerals have been carved into this shape; this is a powerful symbol in what is known as "sacred geometry;" it is a star tetrahedron consisting of two interpenetrating three-sided pyramids that form a three-dimensional Star of David; it is said to link the mind, heart, and body to produce the Merkaba effect, an energy field; in Hebrew the term means "chariot;" in the eighteenth dynasty of ancient Egypt it meant MER (rotating fields of light), KA (spirit), and BA (soul); the Merkaba is said to activate the protective love of the Universe and awakens, heals, and transforms on the spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional levels; some believe that the "Merkaba Vehicle of Light" is an interdimensional energy vehicle capable of transporting ones consciousness to unlimited realms of higher awareness

Merkabite Calcite: in addition to the general properties of Calcite, it is said to have energies that go far beyond those of other calcites; it is said to be a powerful opener of the third eye and crown chakra; helps one receive energies from the higher planes; its energies are said to remind some crystal mystics of the "Merkaba Vehicle of Light," the interdimensional energy vehicle capable of transporting ones consciousness to unlimited realms of higher awareness; it can be used as a tool for helping to activate that energy vehicle; also it can be used as a tool for those seeking to evolve and integrate higher dimensions with the physical world; a stone that should be spread among people for the purpose of overall raising of humanity's vibration

Merlinite: a combination of White Quartz/Chalcedony and Black Psilomelane, the finest of which also show druzy Quartz crystallizations; it may also be composed of Dendritic Chalcedony because the original source is now depleted; it is said to be a stone of magic, which conjures up memories of wizards and alchemists; it is said to help blend heavenly and earthly vibrations, allowing one access to multiple realms; it is said to enhance shamanic practices; brings magic into ones life; can be used to access the akashic records; it is said to draw upon the powers of the elements; it is also said to be useful in facilitating trance states; it is said to have been used for "vision gazing;" it is said to be helpful in astral travel, and in raising and using elemental and cosmic energies; the properties of Quartz, Chalcedony, and Psilomelane also apply

Metamorphosis Quartz: (Quartz with trace amounts of Hafnium, Barium, Copper, Nickel, Strontium, and Aluminum) it has a slight bluish hazy tint to it, along with an adularescence; it is said to have been used to automatically increase the range, the clarity, and the strength of ones aura, and helps one to visualize the auras of others by bringing the entire spectrum into view; it is known as the "Stone of Transformation," supporting the amplification of energy required for same; it is said to assist one in replacing negative attitudes with positive direction, and has been used as mainstay and a foundation for one during changes; it may serve to prepare one for transformation by permitting the recognition of the obscure layers of self-justification, which support the continuity of states of distress and dis-ease; it has been used to direct one through change by smoothing the state of change and dispensing a supplemental physical stamina and mental awareness to the user; helps one to feel a commonality with being a part of life; a powerful healing tool for healing the self on all levels; the properties of Quartz also apply

Meteorite: they are classified as either Stony or Metallic; they are believed to help reveal past lives from other planets and galaxies; it is said to enhance connections with extraterrestrial energies; expands awareness; it is said to be a "medium" of communication with alien beings on UFOs, as well as with distant planets in various constellations; some metallic meteorites containing iron will be magnetic

Mica: (all varieties in general) this is not just a single mineral, but one of many forms of micas that are difficult to tell apart, which form a distinctive mineral group; crystal mystics associate it with learning; one is told to "hold a piece of mica in moonlight and move it around gently," to let its shimmer drowse your conscious mind; it is said to increase psychic awareness and confers the gift of prophesy; it is said to be a powerful protector and healer; the more well-known members of the Mica Group are: Biotite, Celadonite, Eastonite,Fuchsite, Illite, Lepidolite, Muscovite, and Phlogopite

Mimetite: it is said to alleviate the proclivity to imitate or copy the mannerisms, demeanor, or life style of another by producing an energy of practical independence; it is said to enhance ones spirit of adventure; helps to smooth all aspects of responsibility to a tolerate level; it is said to be a protective stone which facilitates channeling situations; it is also said to enhance communication by providing clarity and precision

Mochi Balls ~ Mochi Marbles: they may also be known as Shaman Stones, Moqui Balls, Moqui Marbles, Moki Balls, Moki Marbles, and Thunderballs; they are elliptical or round balls of compacted Sandstone concretions encased in a shell of Hematite (an ore of iron); they originate from the southern Utah desert; they are believed by some geologists to have been formed 130-155 million years ago; they are associated with the Moqui Native American tribe, which has used them as shamanic stones and talismans for centuries; according to legend, the departed ancestors of Native American Indians of the southwestern USA played games with these "marbles" in the evening, a time when spirits are allowed to visit the earth, and when the sun rises they return to the heavens and leave the "marbles" behind to let relatives know that they are happy and well; they are said to bring a knowledge and deepening of ancient ways; they may have a slight magnetic charge; they are said to be beneficial for the veins, arteries, muscles and immune system; they are said to be deeply connected with the Earth, and are grounding, centering, and energizing; useful for protection against psychic attack and other unbalancing forces; they are said to be useful in connecting with ones animal guides; helpful in the purification of negative energies; assist in realigning the energy centers and relieving energy blockages; when used on the third eye they are said to enhance psychic abilities

Moldavite: (Tektite) a translucent green meteoric stone, found only in what is now the Czech Republic; it is a non-crystalline glass material that is a silica based tektite; it is common to find multiple tiny air bubbles inside these stones; they "fell to Earth" about 15 million years ago; they are said to be among the most powerful gemstone tools for spiritual development and expansion of consciousness; they are said to engender an acceleration of ones inner growth and evolution; there have also been reports of visionary experiences, chakra activations, energy cleansings, and discoveries of personal destiny; it is said to aid in alignment with the Higher Self; it is said to be balancing and healing for the physical body/mind; it is said to aid in channeling extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional sources; it is said to be a powerful Chakra opener, especially at the heart and above; it can activate the Dream State; it is said to be the green stone in the Holy Grail

Montana Agate: (Chalcedony) it is said to have centering properties, such as grounding and focusing; it is also said to enhance ones prudence, amicability, and eloquence; it helps to open the inner self; it is said to have been used to treat stomach and skin problems; the properties of agate in general also apply

Moonstone: (Feldspar) many different colors, some are chatoyant (having cat's eyes) or iridescent, with different color sheens; it is said to be a stone of emotional harmony and well-being; it is said to bring harmony and good fortune to marriages and love relationships; it is said to help one relax and enjoy life; helps one to fully love and appreciate others; it is said to have a healing affinity with the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and pituitary gland; unblocks the lymphatic system; provides relief from anxiety and stress; aids the birthing process; helps with female organ problems; an emotional balancer; a good scrying stone; helps lessen the tendency of one to over-react emotionally; aids with flexibility in attitudes; aligns ones emotions with the Higher Self; realigns the spine; aids in travel to the astral plane; protects travelers, especially those going over water; guards swimmers from accidents in the water if worn while swimming

Morganite: (Pink Beryl) it is said to be an activator, stimulator, and cleanser of the spiritual heart; helps bring love into ones life, and assists one in maintaining that love both within the self and in relationships; nurtures the emotional body of ones self and opens their heart; allows ones love to flow freely out into the world; it is the purest and clearest heart energy stone; facilitates ones conscious connection with the inner source of Divine love, and assists one in bringing that love to the Earth; a stone of interdimensional connections; assists those who desire to attain the guidance offered from the higher planes; helps one to access information concerning the environmental structures of other worlds, which can assist in instructing one in the use of love energy to heal and maintain the Earth; the properties of Beryl in general also apply

Moss Agate: (Chalcedony) it is clear to translucent with inclusions of Hornblende resembling moss; the "moss" can be found in colors ranging from green to red, to yellow, to brown, to black, and many others in between; in addition to the properties of agate in general, it is said to be able to help one in achieving their personal goals; it is also said to help one in the acquisition of prosperity; aids in the healing of wounds from past lives; enhances ones ability to communicate with nature spirits; helps one to keep their spiritual energies grounded within their physical body

Mother of Pearl: this lustrous opalescent stone comes from the inner shell of mollusks; it has been used in jewelry throughout the ages; it has also been used as currency for exchange in many parts of the world where metals have been scarce or non-existent; it is said to be of use to those who are in need of loving care; it is said to be calming and sedating in nature; it has been associated with the powers of wealth and protection 

Mt. St. Helens Stone : see Helenite

Muscovite: see Mica

Nebula Stone: (a combination of Quartz, Anorthoclase, Riebeckite, and Aegirine) it is said that its four different components combine and enhance each other's metaphysical properties; it assists one in the attainment of personal and spiritual goals; can be used to encourage alteration in situations which inhibit ones growth; facilitates cheerfulness and friendship; stimulates the mathematical nature and enhances study of, and performance in mathematical pursuits; provides guidance in solving puzzling situations; provides the strength for one to be true to ones own moral convictions; provides revitalization, mental stimulation, and has a high concentration of healing powers energy; assists one in attaining personal goals; raises self-esteem; enhances psychic powers; helps unite all types of natural love in the Universe; draws Light into the physical body and activates the consciousness of each particle of matter; powerful awakening of ones own consciousness; it initiates a remembrance of who and what we truly are, which is One spirit and body combined

Nirvana Quartz: see Himalayan Ice Quartz 

Novaculite: it is said to sharpen ones spirit and psyche; it is said to energize and align all chakras; it is said to carry an extremely light and high energy that facilitates angelic contact and multidimensional journeying; it is said to be an excellent conductor of electromagnetic energy; it is said to be beneficial for the etheric body; it is said to be ultimate ethereal cord cutting tool by gliding through blockages and problems; at the chakras it cuts these cords and heals the site

Nuummit: it is said to be the oldest living mineral; it is said that it can be used to open, activate, and integrate the chakras; provides for grounding; aligns both the subtle bodies and the chakras; useful in removing energy blockages; an excellent energy source, which exhibits an electro-magnetic energy field; helps transfer energy from the etheric body to the physical body; can be use to remove the disturbances in the auric field; helps to shield one from negative forms of energy; enhances memory and promotes recall of relevant information when required; assists one in transversing changes; encourages flashes of insight and intuition; assists in the alignment between the spiritual self and the psychic and astral planes; an excellent healer on all levels; helps to reduce anxiety and stress; helps us to identify those that we have known in a previous life

Obsidian: (Volcanic Glass) a "natural glass" which formed from a volcanic melt that cooled down too quickly to form crystals; it comes in many different colors; it is said to be beneficial to the stomach and intestines; it is said to connect the mind and emotions; it carries a slightly masculine energy; grounds spiritual energy to the physical plane; absorbs and disperses negativity; reduces stress; helps clear subconscious blocks; brings an understanding of silence and "the void;" helps with the detachment process by providing wisdom and love; a very powerful healer for those who are attuned to it

Ocean Jasper: it is said to be very soothing; it is said to help one to love themselves, as well as others; it is said to be very powerful emotional healer, and also helps bring one peace of mind; it helps one to accept responsibilities and increases patience; its circular patterns are said to be symbolic, to help us realize that we are all interconnected, and that nature is a cyclical pattern; it can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation; a very protective stone; its orbs ("eyes") are said to help protect one from the "evil eye;" it is said to be beneficial to the digestive organs by removing toxins; it is also said to lessen body odor; it is related to the heart chakra; the properties of Jasper in general also apply

Onyx: (Chalcedony) in addition to the properties of Chalcedony, it is said to relieve stress; balances the male/female polarities; strengthens bone marrow; aids in the detachment process; enhances emotional balance and self-control; helps one to reach higher levels of inspiration; its attitudes work according the color of the stone

Opal: there are many different varieties and colors, so this applies to Opals in general; a non-crystalline gem; can contain large amounts of water, which can "dry out" and lessen the iridescence and power of the stone; most varieties have a resonating full spectrum of colors; it is said to stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands; aids eyesight; an emotional balancer; enhances intuition; helps provide a conscious connection with the highest aspects of being; the Mexican Fire Opal is said to bring money; Black Opals are said to be "magical;" some mystics believe that opals may help treat autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, and depression

Orange Calcite: in addition to the general Calcite properties, it is said to be an excellent stone for activation of the second chakra; it is said to enhance ones sexual and physical energies; enhances ones creative abilities; it is said to help facilitate a state of increased vitality and a strong sense of purpose

Oregon Opal: a unique variety of Opal found only in Opal Butte, Oregon in a variety of colors; it shares some of the same traits of other opals; it is said to be capable of facilitating an amplified emotional state, which can aid in clearing the emotional body in the "auric field;" it amplifies the positive emotional states by emphasizing the joy of releasing a past trauma rather than the pain of reliving it; allows for the joyful release and expression of the emotions and the imagination; encourages one to act upon ones desires in a loving way; it is said to assist in recollection of past lives, and in the psychic exploration of the past; it is said to help one open doors to new spiritual experiences; connects one to the joyful side of the emotional experience, while enabling one to integrate and release old wounds in the emotional body; encourages one to transmute any negativity that one may encounter into useful energy that can be utilized in a positive way; can be a conduit to the truth of our essential joy; it is a facetable stone with "lightning-like" golden sparks shooting out of it; some material may contain agate, which will fluoresce bright green under SW UV light, due to minor remnant uranium content 

Orpiment: (Arsenic) a poison; it is used to dispose of noxious insects, rats, mice, and weeds; it is said to still be in use by some remote uneducated cultures as a cure for leukemia, anemia, malaria, rheumatism, and syphilis

Orthoclase:(Feldspar) it is said that it can help one to overcome tragedies and can provide assistance in the alignment of the chakras, the subtle bodies, and the meridians of the physical body; helps to dispel the aspects of dissension and opposition which occur in ones life; allows for insight into various situations; helpful in providing remedial action for behavioral disorders; has been used to help with aligning the spinal and teeth structures; aids in movement of the breath with lung disorders; when in the crystalline form it stimulates the higher psychic abilities; encourages ones faith in the personal intuitive capabilities, and is said to help in the treatment of eye disorders

Ouro Verde: (Quartz) it is named for its gold-green color; it is said to represent Arcturus, the bright golden star called "the guard of the bear;" it is said to bring an energy of the first magnitude; it never needs cleansing or energizing; provides a strength of protection to the user; enables one to experience the deeper meanings of life; helps prevent the uptake of radiation from both natural and generated by products; assists one in adhering to rules and regulations; enables one to make the correct choices in life; a stone of prosperity and achievement; assists one in "shining" in whatever realm they pursue; assists one in finding the causes of sporadic ailments, such as headaches or ulcers, so that they can avoid them; is said to be helpful for the immune system and allergic reactions; it is a primary product after high-energy electron bombardment of "Metamorphosis Quartz;" the Gamma irradiation produces the golden green color

Papagoite: it is said to emit a gentle and tranquilizing energy; brings inner peace and purity; helps one to speak and communicate with clarity; a stone of "unification;" is useful during thought projection and meditation; helpful in opening the Third Eye and aligning all the chakras; conductive to removing discordant notes of stress and interference in ones life; strengthens the bonds of relationships; the Papagoite and Quartz combination is said to assist in bringing that which is both beneficial and desired

Pearl: (Organic) produced by oysters; they are said to have been sacred to Aphrodite as pieces of "wisdom;" they were often associated with moon worship; symbols of feminine sexual magic; Europeans felt they were unlucky gifts for brides or engaged girls because they signified "tears" later on in their lives; they are said to cure skin and stomach diseases and to alleviate ulcers; "powdered" pearl in a drink was believed to cure cancers of the digestive tract; has a soothing effect on the pituitary gland; 90% of today's pearls are "artificially cultured" in "oyster beds;" this can cause their death; ecology-minded groups and individuals are now boycotting pearls, as they do not want to have living creatures sacrificed for adornment; many are also artificially colored; anyone who thinks of pearls as pure unspoiled products of nature is most likely incorrect.

Pecos Diamond: a combination of Quartz and Gypsum; it is said that it can be used to stimulate the interaction between creativity and intuition; can enhance desire toward personal growth; can help stabilize emotions and to increase sexuality; excellent for use when one is experiencing highly explosive changes; assists one in stabilization of the emotions and in the recognition and understanding of that which is needed in order to continue progress; a stone for the "young at heart" that brings a joyful feeling, as well as a feeling of love

Peridot: (Olivine or Chrysolite) aside from several known mining areas, Peridot crystals have even been found inside meteorites; it has been referred to as a powerful generator of the frequency of "increase;" it is said to increase wealth, health, joy, and emotional well-being; it is also said to bring the will and emotions into alignment; it is also said to balance the glandular system; aids in tissue regeneration; it is said to have a beneficial influence on the heart, pancreas, spleen, liver, and adrenals; helps to purify the body; enhances the bloodstream; a good over-all balancer and tonic for the body/mind; aligns subtle bodies; increases intuitive awareness; reduces stress; stimulates the mind; accelerates personal growth; opens new doors of opportunity

Petalite: may be called "the stone of intent;" it is said to be used by crystal mystics to connect with Angelic Realms and Spiritual Guides; helps to enhance and smooth out ones aura; a "magical" stone; enhances inner serenity; a good healer on many levels; a calming and grounding stone, with a high Lithium content

Petrified Wood: (Silicon Dioxide) it is officially a stone, not wood, but its original wood structure is retained; its cellulose/cellular structure is replaced by silica (usually Chalcedony or Jasper); it is said to help recall past incarnations by sitting quietly and meditating with a piece of it in ones hand; the most interesting way to meditate on it, is to reconstruct (in your imagination) the whole life cycle of the tree; think about the animals and plants that inhabited the land around it, the possible cause of its demise, and the conditions under which it was buried; it is said to bring patience to those in a process of slow inner transformation, and for bringing that change to fruition; it is said to help one strengthen their "backbone," both physically and in terms of self-will; it is said to be a true knowledge stone

Phenakite ~ Phenacite: grows in many different forms in several locations; each location is said to have different metaphysical properties; it can be mistaken easily for other minerals; in general, it is said to have the highest vibration yet found in any crystal or stone; its overall purpose in all of its forms and locations seems to be the grounding of our Light Body, Higher Self, or Full Spectrum Essence, in our physical body and earthly life; the partnering and integration of that Self with our local self is its highest function; widely opens the third eye; some individual location properties are: Brazil (an angelic feminine vibration), Madagascar (associated with the extraterrestrial flow and a powerful tool for manifestation), Colorado (brings in the enlightened male energy), Russia (most powerful for raising group and environmental energies); a new variety from Zimbabwe Africa is thought to carry the highest energy levels of all of the different location Phenakites; the latter is also known for its clarity and clusters of small complete crystals

Phlogopite: see Mica

Picasso Stone ~ Marble: this type of Marble is a metamorphosed Limestone occurring in the form of a coarse to medium grained rock of re-crystallized Dolomite or Calcite; its colors include a combination of black, rusty brown, tan, yellow, and white; it is thought to have energy that transforms intuition into intellectual thought by affecting the subconscious mind; it is considered to be effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome and cellular and organ toxicity; the properties of Marble in general, and those of Calcite and Dolomite also apply

Pietersite: (Tempest Stone) an opaque stone, with colors ranging from red and gold to indigo and black; it exhibits a shimmering iridescence, which is usually chatoyant; it is said to carry the energy of the storm element; it is also said to purify ones body and energies; enhances strength, courage, will power, and awareness of the higher planes; it is said to be a powerful healer; a high energy stone; it is said to align the energy centers of the body while providing grounding to the etheric body; brings the potential of the individual to perfection; allows one to see beyond the horizon; an aid for meditation, dreamwork, shamanic journeying, and energizing the body/spirit

Pink Calcite: in addition to the properties of Calcite in general, it is said to be a stone of deep emotional healing; it is said to help one tap into the vibration of Divine love, while facilitating self-love; it helps one to see the silver lining around the clouds of life's sorrows; it is said to be comforting during times of loneliness

Pink Tourmaline: many different shades of pink and red; it is said to stimulate the crown and heart chakras by bringing synthesis of love and spirituality; it is said to be useful in helping to attain peace and understanding; it is said to have been used been to treat endocrine dysfunctions, as well as the heart, lungs, and skin; the properties of Tourmaline in general also apply

Pleiadian Stones: (Peridot in Basalt) these spherical or oblong stones come from Hawaii and are volcanic in origin; they begin as volcanic magma released under the ocean; the magma is cooled down and solidified by the cool waters of the Pacific, prior to even reaching the air on the surface; they are said to be great talismans for good luck and protection by repelling negativity; they are also said to be excellent healing stones on all levels; they are said to have a calming influence which helps to alleviate fears, misbehaviors, and even O/C disorders; they are said to provide emotional balance and inner peace; they are also said to be of use in healing damaged relationships and building up ones self-esteem; it is said to be a stone of fiery passion because of its fiery volcanic origin

Prasiolite: (Green Quartz) it is said to open and stabilize the heart chakra; promotes an intuitive capability that is coupled with love; helps maintain the integrity of relationships; a stone of transformative energies; transmutes negative energy into the positive state without releasing it into the atmosphere; it is said that it acts to bring a synthesis between the higher and lower aspects of the physical body; brings a balance between the lower and higher realms; helps one to act on higher guidance by following ones heart upon the highest path; enables one to link the personal will to Divine Will, so one may be a conduit for the expression of Divine Will on Earth; amplifies ones connection to the higher spiritual domains; inspires creativity and attracts success, prosperity, and abundance; interacts with the endocrine glands to keep the body balanced; the properties of Quartz also apply

Prehnite: it is said to be a very protective stone and can protect one on all levels; it is said to strengthen the life force and generally increases and stimulates energy; it is also said to aid in spirit communication through meditation or visualization, out-of-body travel, and is a powerful dream stone; it is also known as a stone of prophesy which stimulates inner-knowing; it is said to be helpful in the healing of gout, anemia, and kidney problems

Prophecy Stone ~ Prophetenstein: these are colloform Concretions that were discovered in a remote area of the Sahara Desert in the late 1990s; they are composed of hydrogen iron oxide containing manganese with Goethite as a secondary mineral; according to people with sensitivity to the vibrations of stones, they have intense energetic vibrations; they are said to open the crown chakra; they are said to have very unique properties; it is said that they bring us into a higher level of enlightened communication between our physical bodies and souls, along with higher beings working within our dimensions on all levels; they are said to help us receive the purpose and plan of our existence; they are said to help us achieve our goals in a more practical and intelligent manner; the properties of Concretion also apply

Pumice: (Natural Spun Glass) formed on the surface of viscous lava or blown violently into the air during eruptions; it is so light and airy that it floats on water; when crushed it is used as a grit for cleansing products and dentifrices; it is said that its floating ability symbolizes an ability to "rise above" ones troubles; used in rituals for getting rid of problems; also symbolizes the dualism of nature; it falls as a "dirt," yet is used as a "cleanser"

Pyrite: ("Fools Gold") when mining many prospectors mistook it for gold; it is a major cause of "acid rain" when it is inside coal that is being burned; is often mistakenly called Marcasite; it is said to aid digestion and improve circulation; strengthens and oxygenates the blood; enhances brain functions; influences a more positive outlook on life; enhances the emotional body, and strengthens ones will; increases practicality; raises ones ability to work with others harmoniously

Pyrolusite: it is said to be of use for transformation and transmutation of ones physical, emotional and intellectual bodies; it is said to carry an energy that is useful in helping one to reconstruct their life and assists one in healing any areas of disturbance during the conversion; it is said to be useful for changing and stabilizing relationships, marriages, mental processes, and emotional and physical imbalances; it is said to repel negative energy and dispel unwanted interference on all levels and planes; it is also said to be a great tool for problem solving, by helping one to quickly get to the root of the problem and remedy the situation at hand

Pyrophyllite: it is said to be a very powerful metaphysical and healing tool; it may be referred to as "Pencil Stone," "Agalmatolite," or "Wonderstone;" has been used to enhance and to teach "automatic writing;" increases the reception of information from the spiritual world and the worlds of the stars; enhances writing abilities; can align all of the chakras automatically and immediately without prompting; can also align the emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, ethereal, and astral bodies with conscious direction; a very grounding and calming mineral; helps one to access the astral plane and spirit guides; a balancer of the yin and yang energies; helps in dispelling energy blockages

Quantum Quattro Silica: (a combination of Shattuckite, Chrysocolla, Dioptase, and Malachite in Smokey Quartz) it is said to be an immune system builder that is able to work within the DNA structure and cellular level to re-polarize and magnetically open the gateways to the direct healing light; is said to be effective in healing past grief induced trauma that is locked within the emotional energy field and the body's cells, causing pain in both areas; it is able to align all energy bodies and chakras; when placed on the Third Eye it is said to bring mental clarity and spiritual insight into the angelic and earthly realms

Quartz (Clear): it is said to enhance the crystalline properties of the blood, body, and mind; activates and enhances the pineal and pituitary glands; an emotional balancer; stimulates brain functions; amplifies thought forms; its full spectrum energy activates all levels of consciousness; dispels negativity in ones energy field and environment; receives, stores, activates, transmits, and amplifies energy; a powerful healer; excellent for meditation; it is more powerful if it is double terminated; enhances interdimensional communication and communication with the Higher Self and Spirit Guides; when included with other minerals, they combine their powers; it may be included with several other minerals; Atlantis is said to have had a huge quartz crystal for the powering of energies

Rainbow Aura Quartz: (Clear Quartz bonded with Titanium and Niobium) it is said to activate all the energy centers in the body; clears a path for the life force to manifest through various bodies; awakens vibrant energy and the zest for life; helps release negative emotions; can bring deep insight into relationships at all levels; aids in releasing Karmic ties that are hindering relationships in the present; the properties of Quartz also apply

Rainbow Moonstone: (Feldspar) this variety of moonstone exhibits iridescent flashes of shades of blue, red, gold, green and white; in addition to the properties of moonstone in general, it is said that it can bring one flashes of insight; it is said to increase intuition, and enhance ones creativity; it is also said to increase ones feelings of compassion, endurance, and inner confidence; it enhances feminine powers; it is also said to awaken the rainbow body of Light

Rainbow Obsidian: (Volcanic Glass) it has iridescent multicolored layers, ring-like at times, which are quite vivid in bright light; it is considered to be one of the most highly prized types of Obsidian; in addition to the properties of Obsidian in general, it is said to be a stone of pleasure and enjoyment; it is said to bring light and love into ones life; it is said to awaken the rainbow body of Light, the totality of ones spiritual energies; it is said to enhance clairvoyance and to protect one from environmental negativity

Rainforest Jasper: see Rhyolite

Red Calcite: in addition to the properties of Calcite in general, it is said to put one in touch with the vital life-giving energies of the first chakra, which is the energy center at the base of the spine; it is said to soothe imbalances that bring on fatigue and exhaustion; it is also said to help one activate their inner reserves of energy

Red Jasper: (Chalcedony) this is a deep brownish red variety of Jasper; in addition to the properties of Jasper in general, it is said that it can activate the first chakra (at the base of the spine) for an increase in life-force energies, or prana; it is said to be a useful stone for self-healing; it is said to provide for a consistent flow of beneficial energies that can help one to embody wholeness; it is also said to provide grounding and strength; it is recommended for those who wish to be in union with the Earth

Red Phantom Quartz: it is said to have been used to stimulate the first three chakras and the Kundalini; produces a highly recognizable vitality directed toward creativity, intellectual advancement and intuitive endeavors; provides for the stimulation of the intelligence of the cellular structure of the body, aiding the cells in recognizing the reason for any malfunction; it is said that this crystal will be made available to those who are ready for its complex powers; has been used to assist one in planning, thinking, changing, and organizing ones life to be in synchronicity with the goal; further assists one in the enjoyment of both the mundane and the creative in attaining the end result; facilitates one in seeing auras and in stimulating the enhancement of same; provides for a unification of the three bodies (physical/intellectual/emotional) with the spiritual; fills empty voids with the healing light of love; the properties of Quartz in general also apply

Red Quartz: it is said to aid in positive action; produces an abundance of physical energy and vitality; it also contains the properties of Clear Quartz, which makes this a dynamic metaphysical and healing tool; Kundalini activator; a well known Red Quartz variety from Spain is called Jacinto de Compostela

Rhodochrosite: it is said to aid the spleen, kidneys, heart, and circulation of blood; enhances intellectual power and memory; an emotional balancer; helps heal emotional wounds and traumas; aligns subtle bodies; red/pink color helps to blend courage/will/passion aspects with loving expression of the heart; Divine Love, acceptance of self and life; a powerful healer for those attuned to this stone; it is said to be a stone of love and balance

Rhodonite: it is usually found as a rich pink stone with inclusions of black Manganese dendrites, which provide a beautiful contrast of colors; it is said to aid the central nervous system, thyroid gland, body reflexes, pituitary gland, and pancreas; it is said to strengthen ones immunity; improves memory; eases physical/emotional trauma; reduces stress and calms the mind; brings love into action and manifestation; it is said to raise ones self esteem and confidence; it enhances energy levels in the body/mind; pink color (with no black in it) helps impart understanding of strength within vulnerability; it is said to be a great stone for light-workers serving in cities; it is said to clear and activate the heart chakra; it may be referred to as the stone of peace

Rhyolite: the green variety may be referred to as "Rainforest Jasper;" it is said that this stone represents change, variety, and progress; it lights the fire within the soul; it helps one to strengthen both the body and the mind; it is said to assist one in the advancement of astuteness in all activities; it may assist one to process things from the past and to clear the way toward the progression of the future; it is said to aid with creativity, insight, and meditative experience; good for auric cleansing; an aid for self-healing; assists with etheric body repair

Rose Quartz: in addition to the properties of Quartz in general, it is said to aid the kidneys and circulatory system; increases fertility; eases sexual/emotional imbalances; helps clear stored anger, resentment, guilt, fear, and jealousy; reduces tension and stress; cools a hot temper; enhances self-confidence and creativity; aids with the development of forgiveness, compassion, and love; attracts love; it is known as the "Love Stone"

Roselite: it is said to be useful for honing ones communication skills for business and personal relations; is said to help one in understanding the personal mind; encourages the continuation of personal growth; provides an energy conducive to working directly with the unconscious mind; can improve ones psychic abilities

Ruby: (Corundum) a "passionate stone;" it is said to aid with regeneration of the physical/spiritual heart; enhances circulation; vitalizes blood and the entire body/mind system; strengthens immunity; activates sluggish or dormant conditions on the physical/spiritual levels; refines lower passions; brings courage, integrity, selfless service, joy, spiritual devotion, power and leadership; helps banish the sense of limitation; it is said to counteract the adverse effects of caffeine; a stone of power and wealth

Rutilated Quartz: Rutile crystals are opaque, metallic looking elongated needle-like or hair-like crystals which are commonly included in other crystals, such as Clear Quartz; they can be found in various colors; they are composed of titanium oxide; it is said that when it is included in Clear Quartz, it makes the Clear Quartz more intense and electrical in power; it is said to enhance the life-force; regenerates tissue throughout the body; strengthens the immune system; stimulates brain functions; eases depression; facilitates inspiration; increases clairvoyance; pierces through layers of physical/emotional/mental density; transmutes negativity; enhances communication with the Higher Self and Spirit Guides; a Very powerful healer; the properties of Quartz in general also apply

Sandstone: it is said to be known as "the stone of creativity;" it is said to assist in the building and strengthening of cohesiveness and solidarity within relationships and groups; strengthens the mind to prevent distractions; keeps ones reality in balance; helps one to adapt to changes with greater ease; assists in helping one to tell the differences between deceit and truth by providing insight and uncovering things that are being hidden; promotes clarity in thought and sight; it is said to be helpful in discouraging tirades, temper tantrums, and general grouchiness

Sapphire: (Corundum) comes in many colors; it is said to strengthen the heart and kidneys; activates the pituitary gland, thereby aiding the entire glandular system; aligns body/mind/spirit; stimulates psychic abilities, clarity, and inspiration; creative expression; loyalty and love; aids connection with Higher Self/Spirit Guides; strengthens will; expands cosmic awareness; dispels confusion; excellent for meditation

Sardonyx: (Chalcedony) a layered form of Onyx; it is said to strengthen the intellect; dispels tumors; provides protection from infections; aids spinal alignment, the thyroid gland, and the larynx; balances the metabolism; alleviates cell disturbances within the bone marrow; it is said to assist in bringing happiness in marriage and domestic partnerships; allows one to realize the delightfulness of living; it is said to attract friends and good fortune; encourages self-control; diminishes hesitation and provides courage; a stone of virtue; the properties of Onyx and Chalcedony also apply

Satyaloka Quartz: this is said to be a variety of Quartz which is gathered in ritual by the monks around the Satyaloka monastery in southern India; this type of Quartz is said to carry a very high vibration of spiritual enlightenment; it may also be referred to as Satyaloka Azeztulite; the fully formed crystals are very tiny; in addition to the properties of Quartz and Azeztulite (also Quartz), it is said to be a tool for spreading enlightenment throughout the world; the monks of the Satyaloka monastery say that the pure spiritual energies which permeate the area of their monastery also are carried by these crystals; they believe that spiritual beings from higher dimensions are assisting humanity through these stones

Scapolite: not a single mineral; it has a complex formula that is very variable and it comes in many different forms and colors; it may be chatoyant (cat's eye); it is said to be a good stone to represent a person of multiple interests; its different forms can symbolize different roles as designated according to ones own tastes; the many "personalities" of this mineral series can reflect different personalities one can identify within ones self, and be used accordingly; it is said that it can represent a person who, like an actor, readily changes characters; a good stone for encouraging independence and motivation in ones life; allows one to move on and to grow as a person

Schalenblende: (combination of Sphalerite, Galena, Marcasite, and Wurtzite, sometimes with Pyrite or Jasper) in addition to the properties of the individual minerals, it is said to balance the male and female aspects of the personality; enhances intuition; provides growth for psychic abilities; during meditation it enhances the clarity of the state and aligns one to the astral body; provides protection from negative forces when dealing with the public; a grounding stone; enhances the centering of ones energies; helps open the pathway between the physical and ethereal bodies; stimulates the nervous system; provides harmony; stimulates interaction on all levels; helps decrease ones self-limiting ideas; allows one to view themselves from the "outside;" aids one in correcting their unwanted qualities; encourages one to "shine;" represents spiritual development and provides for prosperity by eliminating starvation of the spirit; brings peace; brings communication and understanding between people who would not normally communicate; cleanses the blood and liver; strengthens the tissues and muscles; gently strengthens the aura and stabilizes the energetic fields; calms the mind; keeps one calm and in power in emotional or energetic situations; a haven for those who are in high stress or difficult circumstances

Schorl: (Black Tourmaline) it is said to be one of the most powerful stones for purifying ones energies; provides protection from environmental negativity; it is said to help cleanse the aura of disharmonious energies; helps one to attain states of higher awareness; also see Tourmaline in general

Seer Stones ~ Ema Eggs: also known as Scrying Stones, Window Quartz, and Dreamer's Crystal; these stones are said to be natural river tumbled stones from the Ema River in southern Brazil; they are most often found in the different varities of Quartz; they have a frosted appearance externally and a manmade cut and polished viewing area, or window, on the top; they are said to be excellent tools for meditation and scrying purposes; they are said to help provide access to the ancient sacred texts, or Akashic Records; they are said to help one recall past lives; they are said to assist one in connecting with Mother Earth and other dimensions; they are also said to help dispel negativity; the properties of Quartz and the individual varieties of Quartz also apply; these stones are also found in Labradorite, which may be referred to as Dragon's Eggs

Selenite: (Gypsum) (Alabaster) it is said to be a well known white light amplifier; brings forth pure white light healing energy around its user and is capable of healing on all levels; helps us to think more clearly by activating the crown chakra and is very mentally stimulating; removes negativity from the upper chakras; aids in washing away negativity from ones aura; an excellent stone for all light workers for its abilities to heal and transfer pure white light energy; strengthens the bones and teeth; soothes nerves; has a positive effect on the brain, and aids the power of concentration and clarity; enhances ones willpower

Septarian Nodule: a combination of Concretion, Calcite, Aragonite, and other minerals; fossilized shells may also be present; they are said to enhance ones ability to speak to an audience or a large group of people, and helps them to connect in a manner as to make each one feel you are connecting with them individually; it is said to promote calming and understanding at an emotional level; helps develop patience, endurance, and tolerance; brings out ones survivalist abilities in disastrous and emergency situations; the properties of the individual minerals also apply

Seraphinite: (Clinichlore) a type of Chlorite; it is said to be powerful for connecting with the higher energies; a powerful healing stone; brings the energy to enhance cooperation and stimulates ones affinity with the All; purifies and cleanses the aura and energy meridians; in meditation it helps produce celestial contact with the highest order of angels, the "Seraphim;" it is said to bring all of the elements of the non-physical bodies into alignment; centering and energizing; aids consciousness expansion; facilitates inner communion with sources of higher guidance; a powerful tool for development of compassion; aids old patterns of disease and imbalance to fall away, allowing new patterns to be created; beneficial to the heart, lungs, and systemic diseases relating to cellular regeneration; helpful in bringing the physical body in line with the Light energy; the properties of Chlorite also apply

Seriphos Green Quartz: it is named after the island in Greece, which is the only place it is found in the world; Seriphos Island is named after the "Seraphim," which is the highest order of angels; the crystals are located in a cave beneath the ocean floor, and are difficult to obtain; crystals over 2 inches long are rare; they are said to emanate a most heavenly energy; holding, wearing, or laying on these crystals brings one into the awareness of the Earth being a paradise; they emanate a strong and sweet vibration evoking a state of enjoyment of the physical life and facilitating one to attain a good and vibrant state of health; helps one to stay grounded through love for the material world and knowing ones place within it; makes one more aware of how wonderful our life experiences can be; helps one to see more of the beauty and pleasures of life here on Earth; it is especially helpful to those that feel uncomfortable within their bodies, or are having difficulty coping with the hardships of life on Earth; can help reduce stress; is excellent for meditation; helps one to embrace their life here on Earth; many of these crystals have a slight blue tint to them, and get their color from inclusions of Hedenbergite; the properties of Quartz and Hedenbergite also apply

Serpentine: (Bowenite) it may be studded with black inclusions of Magnetite; it is said to emit gentle loving energies suitable for the heart chakra; it is said to emit a profound healing vibration; assists in balancing the emotions; lowers stress levels and promotes calmness; it is said to be helpful in resolving conflicts; enhances the rise of energies (the "Serpent Power") that bring expanded awareness; strengthens the "grounding cord," an energetic pillar connecting us to the earth; excellent for meditation; unifies scattered mental energies; beneficially influences the emotional body and the spiritual aspect of our cellular structures

Shamanic Dream Crystal or Stone: they are said to be very powerful journeying crystals; they are beautiful rounded Quartz crystals with landscapes and inclusions that one can get lost in; they have a very soft energy within, which may give you a sense of swimming in a warm ocean filled with wonderment; they have been used by shamans to induce visionary experiences and for healings; they are said to be helpful when going through transformations in all aspects of life; they may contain multiple inclusions, like Lodolite, Rutile, Hematite, Limonite, Chlorite, and very fine angel hair Amphibole; each one is different and unique; they may have any single or combination of those inclusions; they are usually found in either Smokey or Clear Quartz shades; they are usually seen in a high round domed freeform shape, which has been polished in all areas except for its natural bottom; the natural internal fractures and inclusions emit some beautiful rainbows to bring a sense of joy and happiness into ones life; they are mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil; the properties of Quartz in general also apply, along with those of the included minerals

Shaman Stone: see Mochi Balls or Mochi Marbles

Shattuckite: (a form of Plancheite) very rare; it is said that crystal mystics believe that it directly affects human genes, causing "increased cell division in each generation," and can have a powerful impact on the genetic code; it is said to stimulate and combine the energies of the throat chakra and the third eye, which can produce clear concise verbalization of psychic visions and of contacts with other worlds; it is said to be helpful in channeling information from the spirit world; a stone of communication on all levels; it is said that it can increase ones psychic abilities; it is said to be helpful in re-shaping ones reality

Sheet Quartz: it is said that it can be used to access information from other dimensions, the astral plane, and the akashic records; one can scry with Sheet Quartz to help recognize disorder in their being, helping to rearrange and reorganize dis-ease; it stimulates the heart and third eye chakras; it is said that it can stimulate visionary experiences; the properties of Quartz in general also apply

Shiva Lingam: these river tumbled rocks from India are said to raise and control kundalini energy and to facilitate spiritual evolution; they have been sacred for thousands of years as a symbol of sexuality and potent male energy; they are said to be excellent for sexual healing by facilitating a union of opposites, such as masculine and feminine or body and soul; they are said to be able to sever etheric sexual connections after a relationship has ended; they are said to re-energize the base chakras and open the way for a new relationship

Sichuan Quartz: a variety of Quartz crystals found in China; the majority of these crystals are short and double-terminated; many have black inclusions, along with enhydros/fluid inclusions; it is said to stimulate the third eye and crown chakra; it is said that they can open ones consciousness to inner visions; it is also said to stimulate clairvoyance, medium-ship, and other psycho-spiritual abilities, such as prophecy; it is also said to harmonize the astral, subtle, and causal bodies; the properties of Quartz in general also apply, along with those of the included minerals; many prefer to use these crystals two at a time, with one included crystal and one clear crystal

Silver: it is said that it is revered as the metal of the "Moon Goddess," which is protective; it can repel or destroy evil spirits; may be used as an "oracular" metal since it was "sent from the moon;" can be used at the start of psychotherapy for enhancement; it should be regularly exposed to the moonlight to arouse and restore its powers; removes putrid flesh from festering wounds; cleanses the blood, and aids in its flow through the aortic valves; it is said to provide relief for joint pains, hoarseness, and irritating congestion of the windpipe (asthma, croup, bronchitis, cancer, or sore throats); prevents epileptic seizures; an emotional balancer; relieves stress and enhances mental functions

Smithsonite: it comes in various colors, including pink, lavender, blue, and blue-green; it is said that it can soothe ones emotions; it is also said to nurture ones inner child; it is said to be useful for relieving stress and instilling a sense of self-worth; can help one to accept love, to give love, and to love oneself; it can help one to achieve a sense of comfort and joy

Smokey ~ Smoky Quartz: it is found in hues of brown, ranging from light tan to almost black; it is said to be one of the best stones for clearing the aura of negative energies; it is also said to provide "psychic protection" from negative energies in ones environment; it is also believed to help with grounding, or coming down to earth after meditation; it is said to strengthen the adrenals, kidneys, and pancreas; increases fertility and balances sexual energy; aids depression; mildly sedative and relaxing; dissipates subconscious blocks and negativity on all levels; enhances dream awareness and channeling abilities; many of these crystals have darker zones of "smokiness" in them, which is caused by either artificial or natural radiation

Snowflake Obsidian: (Volcanic Glass) it is primarily black with grayish white "snowflakes" of hardened ash, or Cristobalite; in addition to the properties of Obsidian in general, it is said to be a powerful stone for "psychic protection;" it is also said to purify ones auric field of negative influences from within and without; it is said to dispel bad dreams and anxiety; may help one align with the Divine Light; it is said to help one stay safe by being more aware of the dangers around them on all levels

Sodalite: it is said to aid the pancreas, balance the endocrine system, and strengthen metabolism and the lymphatic system; balances male/female polarities; alleviates fear; calms and clears the mind; slightly sedative; grounding; cuts through density and illusion bringing clarity and truth; enhances communication and creative expression; its qualities are said to be similar to those of lapis lazuli

Sphaerocobaltite: see Cobaltocalcite ~ Cobaltoan Calcite

Spinel: available in many colors, and has often been mistaken or purposely substituted for Ruby and Sapphire; according to mystics, it was thought to cure liver diseases and prevent damage from thunderstorms and worms; a powerful general "cleanser;" helpful during detoxification; it is said that it can be used to renew energy and to provide encouragement for further attempts at difficult tasks; may also be used to enhance ones appearance, to increase the positive aspects of ones personality; assists in obtaining, maintaining, and accepting victory with humility; it is said to carry an energy of beauty; may be called a stone of immortality; brings freshness to all endeavors and initiates rejuvenation to that which is beginning to degrade

Spirit Quartz: it is said that it can be used in meditation to provide insight into family and/or community problems; helps stimulate a group's cohesiveness and willingness to work together; assists in bringing a "group" energy to other crystals in the surrounding environment; facilitates the connection with the energy between all members; when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, it is said to bring understanding to the process of losing a loved one and assists in the transition for both; increases both physical and intellectual fertility; has been used to activate and cleanse other minerals; enhances and increases the energy of other minerals and activates the properties of same; it is also used to enhance the energy transfer of other minerals to stimulate healing on all levels; the properties of Quartz in general also apply

Spodumene: (see Kunzite and Hiddenite) Kunzite and Hiddenite are forms/colors of Spodumene

Spurrite: see Strombolite

Staurolite: it is also referred to as the "Faerie Cross Stone;" it has been used as a talisman stone for good luck and protection; they are said to be the crystallized tears of Faeries that were formed when they heard the news of the death of Jesus; it is said to have been used in ceremonies of "white magic;" it is said to facilitate the action of rituals; the cruciform configuration of this stone was supposedly used to heal Richard the Lionhearted of a malarial type disorder during the Crusades; it is said to be helpful during stressful situations; a calming stone said to aid in relieving depression

Stichtite: it is said to induce calmness and to promote thinking with love prior to speaking with the intellect; it stimulates inner awareness and positive behavior modification for children; it promotes gentleness amongst oneself and others; an ideal stone for bringing about a new age of peace and harmony

Strawberry Quartz: (Quartz included with Lepidocrocite and/or Red Hematite) it is said to stimulate the energy center of the heart by filling one with loving feelings; helps balance the physical and subtle bodies; helps one to understand the entire Universe and the reasoning behind it; gives one an overall loving euphoric feeling on all levels and dimensions; a wonderful healing tool for the "broken-hearted;" the properties of Quartz and Lepidocrocite and/or Hematite also apply

Strombolite ~ Spurrite: it is said to have a happy, joyful energy which can uplift and energize the body, emotions, and mind; helps one to focus on the "cosmic humor" in life; it is said to help relieve stress, to enhance inner vision, to increase awareness in dreams, and to dispel fear; it may also facilitate the process of "lightening up" for those who tend to take things too seriously; it is said to be a catalyst for transformation and change on all levels; triggers new and creative perspectives, deeper insights, and inspiration; helps one to blend the heart's love with the mind's wisdom, and bring through ones inner wisdom in their verbal communication; good for clearing negative energies from the body and its surrounding energy field; provides protection; it is said to be helpful for survivors of emotional trauma by assisting in inner cleansing and balancing; helps one to develop inner serenity

Sugilite: it is said to enhance the functions of the pineal, pituitary, and adrenal glands; activates and balances brain hemispheres; strengthens the heart; aids with physical healing and purification of body systems; balances the emotions and reduces stress; it may bring higher spiritual awareness into physical reality; enhances sensitivity; provides strong protective qualities; excellent for meditation and channeling; stimulates and helps open the third eye; it is said to be especially protective for gentle people who don't easily screen out the negativity of others, and for those who internalize it; it is also said to increase dream awareness; it is said to be of use in treating headaches

Sulfur: (Brimstone) it is said that in ancient times burning sulfur was used as a fuel and for purification of sickrooms, hospitals, and plague houses or spots; it produces poisonous sulfur dioxide gas; the old purification theory was based on the fact that evil spirits (spirits of disease) would be repelled by its bad smell; the underworld, or hell, was considered a place of fire and brimstone (heat and stench) and the demons had furnished their underworld home with it

Sun-and-Moon Stone: (Feldspar) (champagne blue flash moonstone) it is said to combine both the solar and lunar energies; ideal for blending and harmonizing polarities of all types, be they male/female, internal/external, light/shadow, or whatever have you; teaches that a wholeness and completeness can contain apparent opposites and paradoxes without disharmony; enables one to bring peace to the inner self through the complete acceptance of all of ones emotions and ideas; also teaches one that within the Self there is room for the entire universe; enhances the dream state and increases alertness during waking hours; provides a powerful boost to achievement by compelling communication of what one "wills-to-be"

Sunstone: (Feldspar) it is said that it cleans and gently removes negativity that has infiltrated our energy centers and replaces them with love and positive energy; eliminates fear and stress; increases vitality; brings luck in games; it was used by Canadian Indians in rituals with the medicine wheel to show to the spirit guides the connection with the golden white healing light of the sun; helps one to attain leadership and wisdom; reminds us of the ability of Light energy to influence matters on the Earth plane; bestows clarity in decision making; helps us to attain our independence, self-worth, and to fulfill our own potential to reach our goals

Super Seven ~ Melody's Stone: it is also called the "Sacred Seven;" there is no defined or accepted scientific mineralogical name for this combination of minerals; it is said to contain three types of Quartz with inclusions; (Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz, Lepidocrocite, Goethite, Silver Rutile, and Cacoxenite); areas of the different minerals may be zoned within smaller segments of this stone, such as in tumbled stones, yet it is said that these smaller segments will contain all of the energies of the total configuration, even if each mineral is not exhibited separately; it is said to exhibit the phenomenon of "St. Elmo's Fire," which is an ethereal auric light reminiscent of the "Holy Light;" it is said to produce electromagnetic waves providing the self-luminous quality and assists one in seeing auras, and in maintaining the connection between the physical and ethereal planes; it can assist one in "all" endeavors, promoting conscious awareness of that which has remained hidden for eons; it is being used as the nucleus of the universal "brotherhood" of humanity; a stone for promoting peace, harmony, and love; promotes psychic abilities; an excellent healer on all levels, especially with Earth-healing, it is something that we could really use right now, with all of the battles going on around us; this stone is said to never need cleansing or energizing; the individual properties of all of its minerals are also said to apply

Tangerine Quartz: it is said that it brings the strength and loving essence to continue in any and all pursuits; allows one to re-trace any negative energies which attempt to penetrate ones protective shield; stimulates the sacral chakra and clears and activates second chakra; dispels isolation and disconnectedness; abates unwarranted fears; brings to one the tendency to feel less vulnerable when dealing with change; stimulates creative and sexual energies; stimulates inspiration; the properties of Quartz in general also apply

Tanzanite: (Blue Zoisite) it is said to be a catalyst for the integration of heart energy with the mind energies, to bring a balance in which the heart guides and leads, while the mind serves; a powerful healer on many levels; helps bridge the heart/mind energies; good for meditation; activates the throat chakra for clear communication of ones highest truth; it is said to strengthen the male genitals and the female cervix and increases fertility; it is also said to enhance psychic abilities

Tektite: (Meteoric Natural Glass) they are usually referred to as "outer space stones;" it is still unclear if they originated as molten material from meteorites, or as terrestrial rock melted by the meteorite's impact on Earth; it is said that they have been interpreted as "visitors" from deep space, devic spirits, or messages of some type; they are said to have very strong energies; they are said to interconnect the physical/etheric/casual bodies; they are said to facilitate lucid dreaming; a healing energy for nervous system disorders; its pure, high energy provides protection; it is said to supply psychic wisdom and insight

Tenorite: it is said to be a mineral which can be used to stimulate healing of the Earth, ameliorating changes in the Earth, and providing one with a true grounding connection with the Earth; assists with the adaptability and variability of ones nature; it is also said to bring sublimation to fears and insecurities; it is said to help bring together those of like-mind; it is said to be beneficial to stimulating and furthering relationships and associations on the physical plane

Tibetan Clear Black Quartz ~ "Black Spot Quartz": these crystals are found in the Himalayas of Tibet; even though these high energy crystals are relatively clear and transparent in color, the many black inclusions give them a "black glow" or black appearance; nearly all of these crystals are double terminated; it is said that they can both send and receive energies if they are double terminated; their energies are also very harmonious and balancing; their source is one of the most sacred areas in the world; after over one thousand years of these crystals being used spiritually, this area has become very "vibrationally enhanced;" they are among the most powerful stones of spiritual protection ever found; carrying or wearing them creates a "bubble of light" around the body, which only allows positive vibrations to enter the auric field; sleeping with, or near them can protect one from lower astral energies and disturbing dreams; keeping one or more in your living space is said to keep the area purified and cleansed of negative influences; they are said to emanate energies to activate and balance the chakras and meridian system; they are good crystals for creating grids; rituals done with these crystals are said to be amplified in power and pure in their positive effect; when combined with Azeztulite, they can summon angelic energies; they most frequently have inclusions of Black Manganese, but may also contain Anthraxolite/Carbon, Hematite, or Schorl/Black Tourmaline; it is also quite common to find enhydros/fluid inclusions in these crystals; the properties of Quartz in general also apply, along with those of the included minerals

Tiger Eye: (Chalcedony) it is said to be beneficial for the spleen, pancreas, digestive organs, and colon; an emotional balancer; enhances connection with personal power and will; grounding and centering; helps soften stubbornness; enhances clear perception and insight; they are said to have a slightly masculine energy; the properties of Chalcedony in general also apply

Tiger Iron: (Mugglestone) it is a combination of Hematite, Red Jasper, and sometimes Yellow Jasper or golden Tiger Eye; it is said to be a good grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger; it is also a stone of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues; it also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities; it is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance; it is said to be an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives; it is also said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve muscular structure, and helps with healing legs, sexual organs, the liver, and the nervous system; it is related to the sacral and root chakras; the properties of the individual minerals in Tiger Iron also apply

Topaz: many different colors (Blue, blue-green varying shades)(Imperial, champagne-sherry-pink varying shades) (Clear) all colors in general are covered in this group; it is said to cure multiple ailments (adenoids, cough, croup, deafness, goiter, mumps, pancreatitis, obesity, tonsillitis, whooping cough, hemorrhage, gout, poor circulation, calcium deficiency, tension headaches, insomnia, depression, lunacy, nightmares, and arthritis); it is said to strengthen the blood, liver, kidneys, urinary tract, spleen, pancreas, eyes, appetite, gallbladder, digestive organs, nervous system, and thyroid gland; it is said to draw warmth and love; prevents accidents and fires; regenerates tissue; detoxifies the body; an awakening and aspiring stone; draws abundance; enhances metabolism; an emotional balancer; provides soothing, peace, and tranquility; creativity and self-expression are enhanced; enhances psychic perception and communication with the Higher Self/Spirit Guides; Topaz may also be found containing Rutile needles

Tourmalinated Quartz: (Clear Quartz included with crystals of needle-like Black Tourmaline, or Schorl) in addition to combining the properties of Tourmaline and Quartz, it is said to be a very powerful healer and protector; it is said to balance the male/female polarities; it is said to provide humanity with a tool which produces a solving atmosphere; can be used to assist one in actualizing an innate strength to palliate antipathetic relationships and situations; aids in eliminating many set patterns which are, or have been, destructive in nature and in ones own life; it is said to aid in adjusting imbalances throughout the body

Tourmaline: (comes in over 100 different colors) all colors in general are covered in this group; it is said that it aids the balance of endocrine system; aids sleep; strengthens and vitalizes the body/mind; aligns subtle bodies; dispels fear and negative conditions; a strong protective influence; activates and enhances crystalline properties of the body/mind; aids with concentration and inspiration; enhances sensitivity and understanding; a very powerful healer; it has many different color names, a few are listed here: Indicolite (blue, blue-green), Rubellite (pink, pink-red, red), Schorl (black), Watermelon (one stone with 2 or more colors, usually pink/green, or pink/white/green), Verdellite (green), Dravite (brown), Paraiba (turquoise-blue-green), and Siberite (violet); it has been used by the shaman of the African, Native American, and Aboriginal tribes, who thought it would bring healing powers and would provide protection on the physical level; due to the wide variety of colors, it is said to relate to each of the chakras by clearing, maintaining, and stimulating all of the energy centers; it may enhance inspiration and diminish fear by promoting understanding; it is also said to encourage self-confidence

Trigonic Quartz: trigonic crystals have one or more inscribed downward pointing triangles located on a crystal's terminal face, and also on elestial facial terminations; they are said to have a very sacred energy; a powerful tool for healing purposes; assists in healing by allowing one to see more clearly when it is a time for change, as change is needed for healing to take place; its use is most needed during the greatest times of change in our lives; they can act as catalysts for self healing and facilitate the changes necessary; they carry a transformational energy; they can be found on all members of the Quartz family; they are said to be very effective when found on Amethyst, as they combine the healing, protective, and purifying energies of Amethyst in addition to the energies and properties of the Trigonic carvings; the properties of the mineral containing the carvings will also apply; it is often seen in/on Calcite crystals too

Tugtupite: (Reindeer Stone) it is said to be an emotional stone; it is said to protect one from negative energy of many kinds by wearing or carrying the stone, and it is often sought after for this shielding property; it is said to be helpful in removing energy blockages and clearing ones aura; it is reputed to strengthen romantic relationships, and to expand the love and sexual experience; it is said to assist one in overcoming bouts of depression; has been used for general healing, purifying the blood, stimulating hormone production, and increasing fertility; it is said to open and clear the heart chakra, along with activating and integrating all of the chakras

Turquoise: it is said that it tones and strengthens the entire body; aids with tissue regeneration; aids circulation, the lungs, and the rest of the respiratory system; vitalizes the blood and nervous system; enhances meditation; boosts creative expression; brings peace of mind, emotional balance, communication, friendship, and loyalty

Unakite: a combination of Feldspar, Epidote, and Quartz; it has a mottled appearance exhibiting a variety of shades of pink, green, and white; the properties of each of its components apply to this stone, in addition to the following: it is said to bring ones consciousness to the present; acts to balance the emotional body and to bring it into alignment with the higher forces of spirituality; it can help one to deal with both the information and the events of the past which have instilled blockages within the meridians and energy centers of the body; it provides for a gentle release of those conditions which have been inhibiting ones growth; it is said to be of help in determining the root causes of underlying conditions of "dis-ease;" it is said to have been used in the treatment of reproductive system disorders; it is said to help to stimulate healthy pregnancies, while also facilitating the health of the unborn child; it has also been used with medical and psychological treatment in addressing the causes of ones weight gain

Vanadinite: it is said that it can facilitate the mental processes; helps to provide a deeper state of meditation by clearing ones mind for focusing, or by stimulating the psychic processes toward a goal; helps one to become more thrifty in money matters, especially if there is a tendency to overspend; helps to promote direction in ones life in an orderly manner toward defined goals; assists in aligning the body's energies and cellular structure to the optimum level

Variscite: it is said to be soothing, calming and balancing for the body and mind; helps the blood, the heart, and the rest of the circulatory system; can be an emotional stabilizer; helps one recall past lives; aids self confidence; attracts abundance; it is said that it can be used to both connect and align the ethereal nervous system to the physical nervous system; it allows the messages of need and fulfillment to flow between both of these systems; it is said that it can bring one from a state of despair to a level of calm and peaceful existence; may provide one with the courage to continue and to promote the tenacity to deal with the situation at hand; stimulates the heart chakra to bring love, with reasoning, to all situations; it is also said to have been used in the treatment of blood flow disorders (both constricted and excessive), impotency, and in other disorders of the male reproductive system; it is also said to help regenerate the elasticity in veins, and in the skin

Vivianite: it is said to be a powerful aura cleanser; it is said to help remove excess stimulation and negative energy by replacing them with feelings of peace and calm; it is said to help sharpen ones intuition and to act as a guide during multidimensional traveling; it is also said to enhance dream perception by providing one with deeper understanding and insight when trying to decipher ones dreams, which may lead to emotional and spiritual healing

Wavellite: it is said to be an excellent stone to help with emotional healing; it is said to help clear ones emotional body of the adverse effects received from trauma and/or abuse in the past and/or present lives; it is said to facilitate deep healing of the soul by providing an overview of the situations and/or attitudes which led to those traumas; it is said to help with reprogramming of the memory on a cellular level; it is said to be an excellent tool for meditation; it is also said to be of assistance in helping one to manage and control situations that may present a challenge

White Phantom Quartz ~ Ghost Phantom Quartz: (Clear Quartz with inclusions of white minerals) in most cases it is usually white Chlorite inclusions; these crystals exhibit one or more white outlines of a smaller version of the same crystal; the white phantoms are "fingerprints" of earlier stages in the crystal's growth cycle, during which time/times the white material was deposited before the crystal began to grow again; these crystals are said to aid one in bringing pure soul level energy into the body through the grounding of the light body on a cellular level; a stone of communion with the soul; aids in understanding and manifesting ones soul purpose; it is said to aid in astral travel and inner journeys; good for meditation, opening doors to new realms, and assisting in connecting one with their spirit guides; good for cleansing ones aura and their environment of negative energies; the properties of Quartz in general also apply

Witches Fingers: (Quartz, Clear and/or Smokey with inclusions) these crystals may contain any or all of the following inclusions: Actinolite, Mica, Rutile, Sphalerite, Magnetite, and/or Hematite; there may be other minerals present inside them too, as many different minerals can sneak into them through the ground waters during their growth cycles; they are said to be good tools for working with grids, healing, and protection from psychic attack; they are said to shield ones aura; they are helpful for meditation, developing or enhancing ones psychic abilities, channeling, and spiritual guidance; they are said to be excellent communication tools on all levels; the different mineral inclusions in each crystal make each one unique, so each one may act differently than the other, depending on their contents; they will have different physical characteristics too, anything from being gnarly looking to jagged in shape, sometimes resembling a twisted and knobby "witches finger," hence their name; they come in various sizes, many of which are quite small and fragile; it is said that you will learn about each ones personality as you work with them one at a time; they are said to be very energetic crystals, while being calming at the same time; they are also said to be able to break up or stabilize any chaotic energy patterns in ones environment; the properties of Quartz in general and those of the included minerals also apply

Wulfenite: it is said to facilitate ones movement from the physical level to the psychic, intuitive, and spiritual levels; it is also said to assist one in accessing and communicating between the past, present, and future; it is said to enhance communication with the spiritual world by creating a channel between the spiritual and earthly realms; it is also said to help one in gaining more knowledge of their past lives and the lessons learned during those lifetimes

Yellow Jasper: (Chalcedony) it is said to have characteristics that help one to be strong and balanced in the social arenas, and also protects ones social welfare; it is associated with the solar plexus chakra; it is a protective stone that particularly gives protection during travel, both physical and spiritual; it is said to shield one from negativity; it may also protect one from bouts of depression; the properties of Jasper and Chalcedony in general also apply

Zincite: it is said to be good for the enhancement of overall life-forces as well as building confidence, strength, and courage; provides for the synthesis of personal power, physical energy, and creativity, producing a stimulation of the electric currents within the body, and facilitating a removal of energy blockages; it is said to be beneficial to furthering relationships on the physical plane; enhances passion; it is said to be an excellent tool for meditation; very positive crystals; they are said to be especially useful to those who may tend to neglect the full embodiment of their spiritual selves in the physical world; it is symbolic as a "blood of the Earth," and reminds us of the many mysteries as yet unsolved in ongoing human efforts to comprehend our home planet; (Polish Zincite): it is considered to be half man-made and half naturally created; approximately 100 years ago an accident occurred at a zinc smelting plant in Poland causing a fire to break out, which led to the growth of these crystals; they come in a wide array of colors; the Zincite from the accident is no longer being produced, so these original crystals are all that are left; new artificially grown material is not considered to be "authentic" or to have the same properties as the crystals produced from the accident

Zircon: it is known as the "Stone of Virtue," it is said to bring ones virtuous nature back into the balance with the universal forces; it is said to help promote unions within the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms; it is said to raise the properties of the first, third, and fourth chakras to a higher level of intensity; it is also said to help us reach our goals on all levels; it also symbolizes innocence, purity, and constancy

Zoisite: see Tanzanite (Blue Zoisite) and Green Zoisite

Alphabetical from A to Z